Eyeshot 11 WPF API Reference
WPF Assembly / devDept.Eyeshot Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
In This Topic
    devDept.Eyeshot Namespace
    In This Topic
    Provides classes for the ViewportLayout control.
    Class AutoCAD attribute reference.
    ClassBlock definition. Blocks have to be added to the master block array ViewportLayout.Blocks and inserted in the ViewportLayout.Entities list using the devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.BlockReference entity.

    A block in Eyeshot is a collection of entities that create an object, grouped together to make one selectable object. Selecting one particular entity will select all entities contained within the block. They can be moved, rotated, mirrored etc and will always be treated by Eyeshot as one whole object.

    Blocks are an invaluable way of quickly arranging complex pieces of a model. Selecting the object is a breeze, it is no longer necessary to painstakingly select each individual entities. Blocks also make it easy to duplicate the same object throughout a drawing, and as Eyeshot recognizes that each copy of a block is identical to the previous, the memory and processing time required by Eyeshot is reduced.

    Class Blocks collection.
    Class Blocks generic collection.
    Class Viewport border settings.
    ClassBounding box settings.
    ClassSettings for ToolBar buttons and ProgressBar buttons.
    Class 35 mm camera definition.
    Class The CancelToolBarButton default class.
    Class Clipping plane definition.
    Class Utility class for performing Collision Detection.
    Class Utility class for performing Collision Detection 2D on Plane XY (for ICurve and Region types only).
    ClassData for devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Entity.Compile.
    ClassBase class for CoordinateSystemIcon, OriginSymbol and ViewCubeIcon.
    ClassCoordinate System icon settings.
    Class Base class for default ToolBar buttons.
    ClassDisplay Mode settings for Wirefame mode.
    ClassDisplay Mode settings for Flat mode.
    ClassDisplay Mode settings for Rendered mode.
    ClassDisplay Mode settings for Shaded mode.
    Class Base class providing IDisposable interface.
    ClassData for devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Entity.DrawDirection.
    ClassData for devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Entity.DrawEdges.
    Class Class with data for the shadow map creation.
    ClassData for devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Entity.DrawOnScreen.
    ClassData for devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Entity.DrawOnScreenWireframe.
    ClassData for devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Entity.Draw and other draw methods.
    ClassData for devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Entity.DrawSilhouettes.
    Class Entity collection.
    Class Eyeshot disposable dictionary.
    ClassProvides the abstract base class for a collection whose keys are embedded in the values. Base class for Eyeshot keyed collections. Base class for Eyeshot disposable keyed collections.
    Class An exception thrown by Eyeshot.
    ClassProvides the abstract base class for a collection whose keys are embedded in the values. Base class for Eyeshot keyed collections.
    Class A memory leak exception thrown by Eyeshot.
    ClassFont data class. Used internally to store the data for the characters of a given System.Drawing.Font.
    Class The FontData dictionary.
    Class Character data class. Used internally to store characters data.
    ClassFontStyleData data class. Holds the data for the characters of a given System.Drawing.Font and System.Drawing.FontStyle.
    Class Data for Entity methods doing operations based on the camera frustum.
    ClassData for the selection methods (devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Entity.DrawForSelection, devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Entity.DrawForSelectionEdges, devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Entity.DrawForSelectionFaces, devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Entity.DrawForSelectionVertices, devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Entity.DrawForSelectionWireframe)
    ClassPlanar grid definition.
    Class Viewport Hidden Lines settings.
    ClassClass that computes silhouettes and hidden lines.
    Class Class that stores a Segment2D along with the entity it belongs to.
    ClassClass that copies a vectorial image of the current scene of the active viewport into the clipboard.
    ClassClass that saves a vectorial image of the current scene of the active viewport on disk in EMF format.
    ClassClass that saves a vectorial image of the current scene of the active viewport on disk in DWG/DXF format.
    ClassClass that prints a vectorial image of the current scene.
    ClassClass that prints a vectorial image of the current scene of the active viewport, opening a Print Preview dialog.
    Class Class that holds the settings and the result of hidden lines computation.
    Class The HomeToolBarButton default class.
    ClassData for the devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Entity.IsSmall method.
    Class Layer definition. Layers are a way to group objects so that the groups can have common formatting. For example, you may want your objects to show up in one color and your dimensions to show in another. Create a separate layer for each, then you can change all the dimensions or all the objects at the same time. You may show or hide layers, change the color, lineweight, or linetype. Layers are utilized often to make drawings easier to read.
    ClassDerived Layer class with external reference information.
    Class Layers collection.
    Class Viewport's Fem legend.
    Class LinePattern class. The pattern defines pen-up lengths (spaces), pen-down lengths (dashes), and dots. A pattern specifies the length of segments that make up the linetype. A positive decimal number specifies a pen-down (dash) segment of that length. A negative decimal number specifies a pen-up (space) segment of that length. Zero specifies a dot. For example, the DASHDOT linetype is defined by a repeating pattern starting with a dash 0.5 drawing units long, a space 0.25 drawing units long, a dot, and another space 0.25 drawing units long.
    ClassDerived LinePattern class with external reference information.
    Class Line types collection.
    Class Class that holds the settings for the magnifying glass feature.
    Class The MagnifyingGlassToolBarButton default class.
    Class Materials collection. Automatically manages OpenGL resources allocation / deallocation.
    Class Mouse 3D settings.
    Class Base class for Zoom/Pan/Rotate settings.
    Class Multi Touch settings
    ClassSettings for the Camera.navigationType.Walk and Camera.navigationType.Fly camera navigation modes.
    Class Object manipulator class.
    Class Object manipulator event arguments class.
    Class Class that holds the properties for the ObjectManipulator parts.
    Class One of the eight space containing a definite number of Triangles per Mesh
    Class This class help divide the Mesh's space in 8 parts, each one with a definite number of Triangles.
    ClassData for devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Entity.ComputeOffsetOnCameraAxes.
    ClassOrigin symbol settings.
    ClassPan command settings.
    Class The PanToolBarButton default class.
    ClassData for the %HiddenLinesView.PreProcessHDL<T>(GfxEnvironmentParams, IList<Entity>, PlaneEquation[], LayerList, MaterialDictionary, PreProcessSilhouettesParams, Geometry.Transformation, double, Eyeshot.ViewportLayout, bool, Eyeshot.ViewportLayout.GfxAttributesWire)% method.
    Class Viewport progress bar.
    ClassProvides data for the ViewportLayout.ProgressChanged event.
    Class This class help divide the Mesh's space in 8 parts, each one with a definite number of Triangles.
    Class Utility class for block and entities regeneration.
    Class Asynchronous regeneration options.
    ClassData for devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Entity.Regen.
    ClassData for devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Entity.Render.
    ClassRotate command settings.
    Class The RotateToolBarButton default class.
    Class For internal use only.
    Class Data for Entity methods doing operations based on a screen polygon.
    Class Class that holds the colors used to draw the selection box and polygon.
    Class Keyboard shortcut settings.
    Class Class with the data to compute silhouettes.
    Class Class holding the data for the text style.
    ClassDerived TextStyle class with external reference information.
    Class Text style collection.
    Class Texture mapping data.
    Class Viewport ToolBar.
    Class The ToolBarButton class that raises the Click event.
    Class Class that holds and manages the list of ToolBarButtons.
    Class Base class that holds the data for many Entity methods.
    ClassBase class for Legend and Viewport.
    ClassBase class for CoordinateSystemIcon, OriginSymbol and ViewCubeIcon.
    ClassView Cube icon settings. This user interface element will never be added to images and printouts.
    ClassClass that represents a portion of the ViewCubeIcon
    Class Viewport settings.
    Class Class that manages the saved views stack.
    ClassClass that holds data for Viewport.ViewSaved and Viewport.ViewRestored events.
    ClassBase class for all Viewport container controls.
    ClassProvides data for the ViewportLayout.CameraMoveBegin and ViewportLayout.CameraMoveEnd events.
    Class Class that holds the parameters for the selection.
    Class Class that holds the parameters used to draw the viewport.
    ClassProvides data for the ViewportLayout.ErrorOccurred event.
    Class Base class for attributes propagation.
    Class Class that propagates the color attribute.
    ClassClass that propagates the attributes for flat display mode with flatColorMethodType.EntityMaterial ColorMethod.
    Class Class that propagates also the Material.
    Class Class that propagates Color, LineWeight, LineTypePattern and LineTypePatternLength.
    Class Class that represents a selected edge.
    Class Class that represents a selected face.
    Class Class that holds information of the selected entity with its parents.
    Class Base class for selected items.
    Class Class used for selection of faces, vertices and edges.
    Class Class that represents a selected vertex.
    ClassProvides data for the ViewportLayout.SelectionChanged event.
    Class Class that holds the informations of the selected item.
    Class Base class for selection info items.
    Class Class that holds the informations of the selected sub-items.
    Class Class that holds the informations of the selected sub items (Solid3D inners).
    ClassClass that holds the arguments for ViewportLayout.ViewChanged event.
    Class Interaction logic for UserControl1.xaml
    Class Class that holds and manages the list of Viewports.
    ClassProvides data for the ViewportLayout.WorkCompleted event.
    ClassProvides data for the ViewportLayout.WorkFailed event.

    Base class for background working support. Overriding this class you can build a model or do your CPU intensive calculations on a separate thread keeping your application UI responsive.

    Depending on the nature of the work you may need to override both the DoWork and WorkCompleted methods or only the DoWork one and provide a ViewportLayout.WorkCompletedEventHandler to be notified when the work has completed.

    Class The ZoomFitToolBarButton default class.
    ClassZoom command settings.
    Class The ZoomToolBarButton default class.
    Class The ZoomWindowToolBarButton default class.
    Interface Public properties and methods shared by the various classes created when reading DWGs to support the XReference.
    Interface Interface for selectable items.
    Interface Interface used for Designer purposes.
    Structure The resulting item component of the collision. If the resulting collided entity is a leaf, then the name of the first block containing that entity will be saved into ParentName field and the trasformation field will be filled.
    StructureMouseButton class.
    Structure Structure that holds the Cursor (or Cursors) used by the control.
    Delegate Event handler for ObjectManipulator events.
    DelegateRepresents the method that will handle the ToolBarButton.Click event.
    DelegateRepresents the method that will handle the ViewCubeIcon.Click event.
    DelegateRepresents a method that will handle the Viewport.ViewRestored event.
    DelegateRepresents a method that will handle the Viewport.ViewSaved event.
    DelegateRepresents the method that will handle the ViewportLayout.CameraMoveBegin and ViewportLayout.CameraMoveEnd events.
    Delegate Delegate method for DrawForSelection.
    Delegate Draw for selection delegate.
    Delegate Callback for drawing the transparent entities.
    DelegateRepresents the method that will handle the ViewportLayout.ErrorOccurred event.
    DelegateRepresents the method that will handle the ViewportLayout.NavigationTimerTick event.
    DelegateRepresents the method that will handle the ViewportLayout.ProgressChanged event.
    DelegateRepresents the method that will handle the ViewportLayout.SelectionChanged and Viewport.LabelSelectionChangedevent.
    DelegateRepresents the method that will handle the ViewportLayout.ViewChanged event.
    DelegateRepresents the method that will handle the ViewportLayout.WorkCancelled event.
    DelegateRepresents the method that will handle the ViewportLayout.WorkCompleted event.
    DelegateRepresents the method that will handle the ViewportLayout.WorkFailed event.
    Enumeration Viewport action type.
    Enumeration AttributeReference visibility type.
    Enumeration Result for a boolean operation.
    Enumeration Camera navigation modes.
    Enumeration Perspective fit type.
    Enumeration The accuracy type used during collision detection.
    Enumeration The type of color that needs to be set.
    Enumeration Position type.
    Enumeration Cursor types
    Enumeration Viewport display type.
    EnumerationEdge color type.
    EnumerationFlat color method type.
    EnumerationHidden Lines color type.
    Enumeration ModifierKeys and their combinations.
    Enumeration Mouse buttons and their combinations for Zoom / Pan / Rotate.
    Enumeration Object manipulator action type enum.
    EnumerationOrigin symbol style type.
    Enumeration Progress bar style type.
    Enumeration Type of rendering engine.
    Enumeration Rotation center type.
    Enumeration Rotation mode type.
    Enumeration The selection filter type.
    Enumeration The selection status type.
    EnumerationThe type of data of the SilhoWireData element.
    Enumeration Silhouettes drawing type.
    Enumeration Intersection types of failure.
    EnumerationTexture mapping type.
    Enumeration Toolbar position/orientation.
    Enumeration Toolbar style type.
    Enumeration Specifies the button style type within a ToolBarButton.
    Enumeration The assembly selection type.
    Enumeration Defines the position of the 3D camera.
    Enumeration Viewports layout type.
    Enumeration View type.
    Enumeration Viewport wait cursor type.
    Enumeration Zoom type.
    See Also


    WPF Assembly