Drawings Class

Drawings control definition.
Public Class Drawings 
Inherits Environment
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public class Drawings : Environment
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Name Description
Public constructor Drawings() Standard constructor.
Name Description
Public property AccurateTransparency When true, the Accurate Transparency mode is activated. Accurate Transparency provides slower but more accurate semi-transparent object drawing with support for non-concave objects and for objects intersection. (inherited from Environment).
Public property ActionMode Gets or sets the active viewport action. (inherited from Environment).
Public property AllocatedCharDefs Gets the number of loaded character definitions. (inherited from Environment).
Public property AnimateCamera If true, animates the camera in the commands that change its position or orientation. (inherited from Environment).
Public property AnimateCameraDuration Gets or sets the duration in milliseconds of the camera animations. (inherited from Environment).
Public property AntiAliasing Gets or sets a value indicating if full screen anti-aliasing is enabled. (inherited from Environment).
Public property AntiAliasingSamples Gets or sets the number of desired samples for Full Screen Anti-Aliasing. The Full Screen Anti-alasing can be set with the AskForAntiAliasing property. (inherited from Environment).
Public property AskForAntiAliasing If true, Full Screen Anti-Aliasing modes are requested during viewport initialization. The number of samples can be set with the AntiAliasingSamples property. (inherited from Environment).
Public property AskForDirect3DLevel9_3 If true, The Direct3D feature level 9_3 is requested during viewport initialization instead of the highest feature level available. (inherited from Environment).
Public property AskForHardwareAcceleration If true, OpenGL accelerated hardware modes are requested during viewport initialization. (inherited from Environment).
Public property AttributeReferenceVisibilityMode Gets or sets the AttributeReferences visibility mode. (inherited from Environment).
Public property AutoRefresh When true the Invalidate() and the CompileUserInterfaceElements() are automatically called after changing the properties that are defined as dependency properties. (inherited from Environment).
Public property Background Gets or sets the background settings of the active viewport (WinForms). (inherited from Environment).
Public property Blocks Block collection. This collection contains block definitions. (inherited from Environment).
Public property ButtonStyle Gets or sets the style used by the ToolBar and ProgressBar buttons. (inherited from Environment).
Public property CameraChangedFrequency The interval, in milliseconds, of CameraChanged events firing. (inherited from Environment).
Public property CenterlinesLayerName Gets or sets the layer name for centerlines.
Public property CenterlinesLineTypeName Gets or sets the line type name for centerlines layer.
Public property CursorTypes The cursor types dictionary. (inherited from Environment).
Public property DaysRemaining For internal use only. (inherited from Environment).
Public property DaysTotal For internal use only. (inherited from Environment).
Public property EdgesLayerName Gets or sets the layer name for edges.
Public property Entities Entity collection. This collection contains the entities displayed in the viewport. (inherited from Environment).
Public property ErrorInPaint Gets a value indicating if an error occurred during paint. (inherited from Environment).
Public property Font Gets or sets viewport font (WinForms). (inherited from Environment).
Public property FontFamily Gets or sets viewport font family. (inherited from Environment).
Public property FontSize Gets or sets viewport font. (inherited from Environment).
Public property FontStyle Gets or sets viewport font. (inherited from Environment).
Public property FontWeight Gets or sets viewport font. (inherited from Environment).
Public property ForceHardwareAcceleration Forces accelerated hardware modes. By default, Eyeshot automatically disables hardware acceleration on some embedded GPUs to obtain the maximum level of graphical output consistency between all hardware. In these cases, enabling this property will forcibly activate hardware acceleration, though the resulting graphics output may be unpredictable. (inherited from Environment).
Public property FramesPerSecond Gets current frames per second rate. (inherited from Environment).
Public property GhostCirclesLayerName Gets or sets the layer name for ghost circles.
Public property Groups Group collection. (inherited from Environment).
Public property HasLicense Tells if the product has a license. (inherited from Environment).
Public property HiddenEdgesLayerName Gets or sets the layer name for hidden edges.
Public property HiddenSegmentsLineTypeName Gets or sets the line type name for hidden lines layers.
Public property HiddenSilhouettesLayerName Gets or sets the layer name for hidden silhouettes.
Public property HiddenWiresLayerName Gets or sets the layer name for hidden wires.
Public property HideSmall If true, entities with a size on screen less than SmallSize are not drawn. Ignored when Turbo is enabled. (inherited from Environment).
Public property InitialView Gets or sets the active initial view in the active viewport. (inherited from Environment).
Public property InstanceId For internal use only. Gets the instance id for the logging. (inherited from Environment).
Public property IsActivated Tells if the product is activated. (inherited from Environment).
Public property IsAntiAliasingAvailable Returns true if Full Screen Anti-Aliasing is available. (inherited from Environment).
Public property IsBusy Gets background worker thread status. (inherited from Environment).
Public property IsHardwareAccelerated Returns true if OpenGL hardware acceleration is currently in use. (inherited from Environment).
Public property IsInFrustumMode Gets or sets the modality used by IsInFrustum() method. (inherited from Environment).
Public property IsTrialExpired Tells if the trial period has expired. (inherited from Environment).
Public property LastFrameDrawingDelay Get or Set the time, in milliseconds, before to start the last frame drawing after a mouse action (e.g. Zoom, Pan, Rotate) during Turbo mode. (inherited from Environment).
Public property Layers Layer collection. (inherited from Environment).
Public property Legends Gets or sets the active viewport legends array. (inherited from Environment).
Public property LineTypes Gets or sets the line types collection. (inherited from Environment).
Public property LineWeightFactor Gets or sets the scale factor used to display the ICurve line weight.
Public property MagnifyingGlass Gets or sets the settings for the magnifying glass displayed under the mouse cursor. (inherited from Environment).
Public property MaxPatternRepetitions Gets or sets the maximum number of pattern repetitions allowed between two vertices of a curve. (inherited from Environment).
Public property MaxTextureSize Gets the maximum texture size allowed on current OpenGL implementation (in pixel). (inherited from Environment).
Public property Mouse3D 3D mouse settings. (inherited from Environment).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) property Moving Tells if the viewport is performing a zoom-pan-rotate operation. (inherited from Environment).
Public property MultiTouch Gets or sets the Multitouch settings. (inherited from Environment).
Public property MultipleSelection If true, the selection ActionModes work as if the Control key was pressed, selecting multiple entities. (inherited from Environment).
Public property OpenglExtensions Gets a space-separated list of supported extensions to OpenGL. (inherited from Environment).
Public property Organization For internal use only. (inherited from Environment).
Public property Pan Gets or sets the Pan settings.
Public property PaperColor Gets or sets paper color.
Public property PickBoxSize Gets or sets the pick box size in pixel units. (inherited from Environment).
Public property PrintDocumentName Print document name. It also appears during print preview preparation. (inherited from Environment).
Public property PrintResolution Print resolution (dpi). (inherited from Environment).
Public property ProgressBar Gets or sets the progress bar settings. (inherited from Environment).
Public property RendererName Gets the name of the renderer. This name is typically specific to a particular configuration of a hardware platform. It does not change from release to release. (inherited from Environment).
Public property RendererVendor Gets the company responsible for this GL implementation. This name does not change from release to release. (inherited from Environment).
Public property RendererVersion Gets graphics API version. (inherited from Environment).
Public property SelectionBoxColors Gets or sets the colors used to draw the selection box and polygon. (inherited from Environment).
Public property SelectionColor Gets or sets the color of selected entities, shared by all viewports. (inherited from Environment).
Public property SelectionColorDynamic Gets or sets the color for the dynamic selection, shared by all viewports. (inherited from Environment).
Public property SelectionLineWeightScaleFactor Gets or sets the factor applied to the line weight for the selected wireframe entities or Brep.Edges. (inherited from Environment).
Public property SerialNumber For internal use only. (inherited from Environment).
Public property ShadingLanguageVersion Gets OpenGL Shading Language version. (inherited from Environment).
Public property Sheets Gets or sets the sheets collection.
Public property ShortcutKeys Gets or sets the keyboard shortcuts. (inherited from Environment).
Public property ShowCurveDirection If true, curve direction is displayed. (inherited from Environment).
Public property ShowFps Gets or sets the frame per second rate text visibility status. (inherited from Environment).
Public property ShowNormals Gets or sets the normals visibility status. (inherited from Environment).
Public property ShowVertexIndices Gets or sets the vertex indices visualization flag in the active viewport (meaningful only if Viewport.ShowVertices is also true). (inherited from Environment).
Public property ShowVertices If true, the model vertices are displayed in the active viewport. (inherited from Environment).
Public property SilhouettesLayerName Gets or sets the layer name for silhouettes.
Public property SmallSize Gets or sets the size (in pixel) of small entities. (inherited from Environment).
Public property SuspendSetColorForSelection Suspends the set of the color by the SetColorDrawForSelectionAndUpdateIdItemsMap. (inherited from Environment).
Public property TempEntities Temporary Entity collection. This collection contains the entities displayed in the viewport on top of the others as temporary entities. (inherited from Environment).
Public property TextStyles Gets or sets the text styles collection. (inherited from Environment).
Public property ToolBar Gets active viewport first toolbar. (inherited from Environment).
Public property ToolBars Gets active viewport toolbars array. (inherited from Environment).
Public property Turbo Gets or sets the FastZPR settings. When FastZPR is active a simplified representation of the current geometry is drawn during dynamic movements (Zoom/Pan/Rotate). (inherited from Environment).
Public property UseFrameBufferObject When true the frame buffer objects are used. Affects the quality of Realistic shadows. For debugging purpose only. (inherited from Environment).
Public property UseShaders If true, the rendererType.OpenGL renderer uses Phong shading for better lighting, has the DisplayModeSettingsRendered.PlanarReflections with a fading out effect and better performances for the shadowType.Realistic shadows. (inherited from Environment).
Public property Username For internal use only. (inherited from Environment).
Public property VertexSize Gets or sets the vertex visualization size in the active viewport (meaningful only if Viewport.ShowVertices is true). (inherited from Environment).
Public property ViewBuilderSuffix Gets or sets the progress bar suffix text displayed while bulding the view when executed asynchronously. If null it shows the view name.
Public property ViewBuilderText Gets or sets the progress bar text displayed while bulding the view when executed asynchronously.
Public property WaitCursorMode Gets or sets the wait cursor mode. Controls if and when the wait cursor is displayed. (inherited from Environment).
Public property WiresLayerName Gets or sets the layer name for wires.
Public property Zoom Gets or sets the Zoom settings.
Name Description
Public method Activate(object, EventArgs) For internal use only.
Public method Activate(object, EventArgs, string, string, string)
Public method AddDefaultLayersAndLineTypes()
Public method AddDefaultLineTypes()
Public method AdjustNearAndFarPlanes() Adjusts camera near and far planes based on model extents and on origin symbol, grid and shadow visibility status. (inherited from Environment).
Protected method ApplyOpacityMask() Computes the opacity mask that makes the viewports opaque and leaves a transparent space between them. (inherited from Environment).
Public method BeginInit() (inherited from Environment).
Public method CancelWork() Stops the asynchronous background work. (inherited from Environment).
Public method CheckSmall(int) Checks the size on screen of the top level entities and hides the ones smaller that SmallSize, if HideSmall is true. (inherited from Environment).
Protected method CheckViewports() For internal use only. (inherited from Environment).
Public method Clear() Clears all the master collections: entities, blocks, layers, materials, text styles, line types, sheets and labels.
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method ClearCharDefs() (inherited from Environment).
Public method CompareWithReferenceImage(Bitmap, Bitmap, out Bitmap, double) Executes a 3D scene visual testing.
Public method CompareWithReferenceImage(Bitmap, Bitmap, out Bitmap, double, Color) Executes a 3D scene visual testing.
Public method CompareWithReferenceImage(Bitmap, out Bitmap, out Bitmap, viewType, double) Executes a 3D scene visual testing.
Public method CompareWithReferenceImage(Bitmap, out Bitmap, out Bitmap, viewType, double, Color) Executes a 3D scene visual testing.
Public method CompileUserInterfaceElements() Compiles 3D user interface elements like the origin symbol, the bitmap background, the FEM restraint and load symbols, etc.
Public method CompileUserInterfaceElements(Viewport) Compiles 3D user interface elements like the origin symbol, the bitmap background, the FEM restraint and load symbols, etc.
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method ComputeNonCurrentEntityColor(Entity, Color, bool) Gets the color used to draw the given non-current entity. (inherited from Environment).
Public method CopyTo(Environment, bool) Copies all items inside control master collections (Environment.Entities, Sheets, devDept.Eyeshot.Labels, Environment.Blocks, Environment.Layers, Materials, Environment.TextStyles, Environment.LineTypes) to the specified drawings.
Public method CopyToClipboardRaster() Copies a raster image of the current viewport scene on the clipboard.
Public method CopyToClipboardRaster(Size) Copies a raster image of the current viewport scene on the clipboard.
Public method CopyToClipboardRaster(Size, bool, bool) Copies a raster image of the current viewport scene on the clipboard.
Public method CopyToClipboardRaster(Size, double, bool, bool) Copies a raster image of the current viewport scene on the clipboard.
Public method CopyToClipboardRaster(float) Copies a raster image of the current viewport scene on the clipboard.
Public method CopyToClipboardRaster(float, double) Copies a raster image of the current viewport scene on the clipboard.
Public method CopyToClipboardVector(bool) Copies a vectorial image of the current scene of the active viewport on the clipboard. (inherited from Environment).
Public method CreateReferenceImage(viewType) Create a bitmap for the image comparison. (inherited from Environment).
Protected method CreateShaderParams(DrawSceneParams) For internal use only. (inherited from Environment).
Public method Deactivate(object, EventArgs) Deactivates the product. (inherited from Environment).
Public method DeleteLicenseFile(object, EventArgs) For internal use only. (inherited from Environment).
Public method Static DeleteObject(IntPtr) (inherited from Environment).
Protected method Dispose(bool) Clean up any resources being used.
Public method Dispose() (inherited from EnvironmentBase).
Public method DoWork(WorkUnit) Accomplishes the work. (inherited from Environment).
Protected method Draw3D(DrawSceneParams) Draws model, shadow and bounding box.
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method DrawBackground() Draws the Background of the Environment control. (inherited from Environment).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method DrawImage(int, int, Bitmap) Draws an image on the Environment's client area. (inherited from Environment).
Protected method DrawOverlay(DrawSceneParams) Draws overlaying UI elements. (inherited from Environment).
Protected method DrawScene(Viewport, float, float, RectangleF, bool, bool, bool) Main drawing method. (inherited from Environment).
Protected method DrawShadow(float) Draws the model shadow (inherited from Environment).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method DrawText(int, int, string, Font, Color, Color, ContentAlignment) Draws a text on the Environment's client area.
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method DrawText(int, int, string, Font, Color, Color, ContentAlignment, RotateFlipType) Draws a text on the Environment's client area.
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method DrawText(int, int, string, Font, Color, ContentAlignment) Draws a text on the Environment's client area.
Public method DrawTextOutlined(int, int, string, Font, Color, Color, float, ContentAlignment) Draws a text on the Environment's client area. (inherited from Environment).
Protected method DrawTexture(TextureBase, int, int, ContentAlignment, bool) Draws a texture. (inherited from Environment).
Protected method DrawVertexIndices(DrawSceneParams) (inherited from Environment).
Protected method DrawVertices(DrawEntitiesParams) Draws the vertices of the entities. (inherited from Environment).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method DrawViewport(DrawSceneParams) Draws the viewport. (inherited from Environment).
Protected method DrawViewportBackground(DrawSceneParams) Draws the viewport background and reflections. (inherited from Environment).
Public method EndInit() (inherited from Environment).
Protected method EndZoomPanRotate(Viewport) Ends a sequence of Zoom-Pan-Rotate movements. (inherited from Environment).
Public method Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (inherited from Object).
Public method Static EvaluateBoundingBox(ICollection<Entity>, out Point3D, out Point3D) Evaluates the bounding box of a collection of entities without taking care of entity visibility. (inherited from Environment).
Protected method Finalize Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (inherited from Object).
Public method FindClosestVertex(Entity, Point, double) Looks for the vertex of the specified entity whose 2D screen projection is closer to the mouse cursor.
Public method FindClosestVertex(Point, double, Type, out HitVertex) Looks for the model vertex whose 2D screen projection is closer to the mouse cursor skipping entities different from entType.
Public method FindClosestVertex(Point, double, Type, out Point3D) Looks for the model vertex whose 2D screen projection is closer to the mouse cursor skipping entities different from entType.
Public method FindClosestVertex(Point, double, Type, out int) Looks for the model vertex whose 2D screen projection is closer to the mouse cursor skipping entities different from entType.
Public method FindClosestVertex(Point, double, out HitVertex) Looks for the model vertex whose 2D screen projection is closer to the mouse cursor.
Public method FindClosestVertex(Point, double, out Point3D) Looks for the model vertex whose 2D screen projection is closer to the mouse cursor.
Public method FindClosestVertex(Point, double, out int) Looks for the model vertex whose 2D screen projection is closer to the mouse cursor.
Public method FindClosestVertices(Entity, Point, double) Looks for the model vertices of the specified entity whose 2D screen projections are closer to the mouse cursor.
Public method FindClosestVertices(Point, double) Looks for the model vertices whose 2D screen projections are closer to the mouse than the maxDistance.
Public method FindClosestVertices(Point, double, Type) Looks for the model vertices whose 2D screen projections are closer to the mouse cursor skipping entities different from entType.
Protected method FireProgressChanged(ProgressChangedEventArgs) Raises the ProgressChanged event. (inherited from Environment).
Protected method FireWorkCancelled(EventArgs) Raises the WorkCancelled event. (inherited from Environment).
Protected method FireWorkCompleted(WorkCompletedEventArgs) Raises the WorkCompleted event. (inherited from Environment).
Protected method FireWorkFailed(WorkFailedEventArgs) Raises the WorkCancelled event. (inherited from Environment).
Protected method FreeCursors() (inherited from Environment).
Public method GetActiveSheet() Gets the active sheet.
Public method GetAllCrossingEntities(Rectangle, bool) Returns the list of all the visible and selectable entities geometrically crossing the selection box, regardless of their actual visibility on screen. (inherited from Environment).
Public method GetAllEnclosedEntities(Rectangle) Selects all entities completely enclosed in the specified selection rectangle. (inherited from Environment).
Public method GetAllEntitiesUnderMouseCursor(Point, bool) Returns all the visible (on screen) top level and selectable entities (which may include the parents stack for nested entities) under the mouse cursor in the active viewport. (inherited from Environment).
Public method GetAllItemsUnderMouseCursor(Point, bool) Returns all the visible (on screen) and selectable items (which may include the parents stack for nested entities) under the mouse cursor in the active viewport. (inherited from Environment).
Public method GetAllLabelsUnderMouseCursor(Point, bool) Returns all the visible labels under the mouse cursor in the active viewport. (inherited from Environment).
Public method GetAllVisibleEntities(Rectangle, bool) Returns the list of all visible entities in the specified selection box in the active viewport. (inherited from Environment).
Public method GetAllVisibleItems(Rectangle, bool) Returns the list of all visible items (which may include the parents stack for nested entities) in the specified selection box in the active viewport. (inherited from Environment).
Public method GetAllVisibleLabels(Rectangle, bool) Returns the list of all visible labels in the specified selection box. (inherited from Environment).
Public method Static GetAssembly(out string, out string, out string, out Version, out string) Gets the currently loaded assembly. (inherited from Environment).
Public method GetBackground() Gets the background settings of the active viewport (WPF). (inherited from Environment).
Protected method GetComputeEntitiesVisibilityParams<T>(int, IList<T>) For internal use only. (inherited from Environment).
Protected method GetCrossingEntities(Rectangle, bool, bool) Returns the list of all the visible and selectable entities crossing the specified selection box.
Public method GetCrossingEntities(Rectangle, IList<Entity>, bool, bool, Transformation) Returns the list of all the visible and selectable entities crossing the specified selection box.
Public method GetDefaultCursor() Gets the default cursor for the viewport control. (inherited from Environment).
Protected method Static GetEntityLineWeight(Entity, Entity, LayerKeyedCollection) Gets the entity line weight. (inherited from Environment).
Public method Static GetEntityPattern(Entity, LineTypeKeyedCollection, string, LayerKeyedCollection) Returns the entity's linetype pattern. (inherited from Environment).
Public method GetEntityUnderMouseCursor(Point, bool) Returns the index of the first top level entity under the mouse cursor. (inherited from Environment).
Public method GetHashCode Serves as the default hash function. (inherited from Object).
Public method GetItemUnderMouseCursor(Point, bool) Gets the first item under the mouse cursor (which may include the parents stack for nested entities). (inherited from Environment).
Public method GetLabelUnderMouseCursor(Point, bool) Returns the index of the first label under the mouse cursor. (inherited from Environment).
Public method GetLegends() The active viewport legends collection. (inherited from Environment).
Public method GetPixel(int, int) Gets the color of the specified pixel in this viewport (inherited from Environment).
Protected method GetTextImage(string, Font, Color, Color, ContentAlignment, RotateFlipType, bool) Gets the text bitmap. (inherited from Environment).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method Static GetTextOutlinedImage(string, Font, Color, Color, RotateFlipType, float) Gets the outlined text image. (inherited from Environment).
Public method GetThumbnail(int) Returns a thumbnail bitmap of the whole Environment control. The maximum size is 256x256. (inherited from Environment).
Public method GetToolBar() Gets active viewport first toolbar. (inherited from Environment).
Public method GetToolBars() Gets active viewport toolbars collection. (inherited from Environment).
Public method GetType Gets the Type of the current instance. (inherited from Object).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method GetViewportUnderMouse(Point) Returns the viewport under the given mouse position. (inherited from Environment).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method GetVisibleEntitiesFromBackBuffer(Viewport, byte[], int, int, Rectangle, bool) Returns the indices of the entities read from the back buffer in the selectionBox. (inherited from Environment).
Public method GroupSelection() Creates a single unit from selected entities. (inherited from Environment).
Public method InitializeViewports() Ensures that at least one Viewport is present in the Viewports collection.
Public method Invalidate() (inherited from Environment).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method IsCloserVertex(Point3D, double, double) Tells if the projected point, whose square distance from the mouse cursor is squareDistance, is closer than the currentMinimumSquareDistance. (inherited from Environment).
Public method IsDesignMode() Gets a boolean indicating whether the control is running at design time.
Protected method IsDragAction() Tells if the current ActionMode requires dragging. (inherited from Environment).
Public method IsErrorInPaint() (inherited from Environment).
Protected method IsInputKey(Keys) (inherited from Environment).
Protected method IsSelectByBoxAction() Tells if the current ActionMode is one of the ByBox ones. (inherited from Environment).
Protected method IsSelectByPickAction() Tells if the current ActionMode is one of the ByPick ones. (inherited from Environment).
Protected method IsSelectByPolygonAction() Tells if the current ActionMode is one of the ByPolygon ones. (inherited from Environment).
Protected method IsSelectVisibleAction() Tells if the current ActionMode is one of the visible ones. (inherited from Environment).
Public method LicenseFileLocation(object, EventArgs) For internal use only.
Public method LicenseFileLocation(object, EventArgs, bool) For internal use only.
Public method LoadPickCursor() Gets the Pick Cursor stream. (inherited from Environment).
Public method LoadScene(Stream) Obsolete.

Restores the current scene from disk, including entities, textures, blocks and labels.

Public method LoadScene(string) Obsolete.

Restores the current scene from disk, including entities, textures, blocks and labels.

Public method Static MakeFace(Plane, IList<IList<Int32>>, IList<Point3D>, bool) Obsolete. Triangulates the specific region.
Public method Static MakeFace(Plane, IList<Int32>, IList<IList<Int32>>, IList<Point3D>) Obsolete. Triangulates the specific region.
Public method Static MakeLoop(IList<ICurve>, int, double, bool) Obsolete. Analyzes a number of entities and returns a closed loop of points starting from the entity at startIndex. You can provide an array of 100 entities an get a 3D loop of a square made up of 4 lines. Entities connection is checked using chordalError parameter, if the end points of two entities are farther of this value they will not be connected. (inherited from Environment).
Protected method MemberwiseClone Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (inherited from Object).
Public method NextView() Restores the next view previously saved on the Viewport.SavedViews stack. (inherited from Environment).
Protected method OnAnimationTimerTick(object) Occurs every timer tick. Call base class method when overriding. (inherited from Environment).
Protected method OnDoubleClick(EventArgs) (inherited from Environment).
Protected method OnGotFocus(EventArgs)
Protected method OnGotFocus(RoutedEventArgs) (inherited from EnvironmentBase).
Protected method OnHandleCreated(EventArgs)
Protected method OnHandleDestroyed(EventArgs) (inherited from Environment).
Protected method OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs)
Protected method OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs) (inherited from EnvironmentBase).
Protected method OnKeyUp(KeyEventArgs)
Protected method OnKeyUp(KeyEventArgs) (inherited from EnvironmentBase).
Protected method OnLostFocus(EventArgs) Synchronize hasFocus parameter, reset action, redraw the control.
Protected method OnLostFocus(RoutedEventArgs) (inherited from EnvironmentBase).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnMouse3DButtonDown(object, ButtonEventArgs) Occurs every Mouse3DButtonDown event. (inherited from Environment).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnMouse3DButtonUp(object, ButtonEventArgs) Occurs every Mouse3DButtonUp event. (inherited from Environment).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnMouse3DMove(object, MoveEventArgs) Occurs every Mouse3DMove event. (inherited from Environment).
Protected method OnMouseClick(MouseEventArgs) (inherited from Environment).
Protected method OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs)
Protected method OnMouseDown(MouseButtonEventArgs) (inherited from EnvironmentBase).
Protected method OnMouseEnter(EventArgs)
Protected method OnMouseEnter(MouseEventArgs) (inherited from EnvironmentBase).
Protected method OnMouseLeave(EventArgs)
Protected method OnMouseLeave(MouseEventArgs) (inherited from EnvironmentBase).
Protected method OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs)
Protected method OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs) (inherited from EnvironmentBase).
Protected method OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs)
Protected method OnMouseUp(MouseButtonEventArgs) (inherited from EnvironmentBase).
Protected method OnMouseWheel(MouseEventArgs)
Protected method OnMouseWheel(MouseWheelEventArgs) (inherited from EnvironmentBase).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnMultiTouchClick(object, MouseEventArgs) Occurs every MultiTouchClick event.
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnMultiTouchClick(object, MouseButtonEventArgs)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnMultiTouchDoubleClick(object, MouseEventArgs) Occurs every MultiTouchDoubleClick event.
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnMultiTouchDoubleClick(object, MouseButtonEventArgs)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnMultiTouchDown(object, TouchEventArgs) Occurs every MultiTouchDown event. (inherited from Environment).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnMultiTouchMove(object, TouchEventArgs) Occurs every MultiTouchMove event. (inherited from Environment).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method OnMultiTouchUp(object, TouchEventArgs) Occurs every MultiTouchUp event. (inherited from Environment).
Protected method OnPaint(PaintEventArgs)
Protected method OnPaint()
Protected method OnResize(EventArgs) (inherited from Environment).
Public method OpenFile(Stream, Model, FileSerializer) Restores the scene synchronously from disk, including entities and all the master collections (layers, blocks, etc.)
Public method OpenFile(string, Model, FileSerializer) Restores the scene synchronously from disk, including entities and all the master collections (layers, blocks, etc.)
Public method PageSetup(bool, bool, Nullable<Int32>, PaperSize, Nullable<Boolean>) Defines the Page Setup. (inherited from Environment).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method PaintBackBuffer() Paints the viewport surface without redrawing the whole scene. (inherited from Environment).
Protected method PaintDesignError(Graphics) (inherited from Environment).
Public method PanCamera(Point, Point) Pans the view from one screen point to the other.
Public method PanCamera(Point, Point, bool) Pans the view from one screen point to the other.
Public method PanDown(int) Pans the view downwards. (inherited from Environment).
Public method PanLeft(int) Pans the view to the left. (inherited from Environment).
Public method PanRight(int) Pans the view to the right. (inherited from Environment).
Public method PanUp(int) Pans the view upwards. (inherited from Environment).
Protected method PostRemoveJitteringForFastZPR(RenderContextBase) (inherited from Environment).
Public method PreFilterMessage(ref Message) (inherited from EnvironmentBase).
Public method PreFilterMessage(int, IntPtr)
Protected method PreRemoveJitteringForFastZPR(RenderContextBase) (inherited from Environment).
Public method PreviousView() Restores the previous view on the Viewport.SavedViews stack. (inherited from Environment).
Public method Print(bool) Computes the hidden lines and opens the Print dialog. (inherited from Environment).
Public method PrintPreview(Size, bool) (inherited from Environment).
Public method ProcessSelection(Rectangle, bool, bool, out int[], List<Int32>, bool) Obsolete.

Selects each entity crossing the specified selection rectangle.

This method is deprecated. Use the overload with the SelectionChangedEventArgs parameter.

Public method ProcessSelection(Rectangle, bool, bool, SelectionChangedEventArgs, bool) Selects each entity crossing the specified selection rectangle.
Protected method ProcessSelectionByPolygon(List<Point2D>, bool, out int[], List<Int32>) Obsolete.

Selects each entity crossing the specified selection polygon.

This method is deprecated. Use the overload with the SelectionChangedEventArgs parameter.

Protected method ProcessSelectionByPolygon(List<Point2D>, bool, SelectionChangedEventArgs) Selects each entity crossing the specified selection polygon.
Protected method ProcessSelectionByPolygonEnclosed(List<Point2D>, bool, out int[], List<Int32>) Obsolete.

Selects each entity completely enclosed in the specified selection rectangle.

This method is deprecated. Use the overload with the SelectionChangedEventArgs parameter.

Protected method ProcessSelectionByPolygonEnclosed(List<Point2D>, bool, SelectionChangedEventArgs) Selects each entity completely enclosed in the specified selection rectangle.
Protected method ProcessSelectionByPolygonVisibleOnly(List<Point2D>, bool, out int[], List<Int32>) Obsolete.

Selects each visible entity in the specified selection polygon.

This method is deprecated. Use the overload with the SelectionChangedEventArgs parameter.

Protected method ProcessSelectionByPolygonVisibleOnly(List<Point2D>, bool, SelectionChangedEventArgs) Selects each visible entity in the specified selection polygon.
Public method ProcessSelectionEnclosed(Rectangle, bool, bool, out int[], List<Int32>) Obsolete.

Selects each entity completely enclosed in the specified selection rectangle.

This method is deprecated. Use the overload with the SelectionChangedEventArgs parameter.

Public method ProcessSelectionEnclosed(Rectangle, bool, bool, SelectionChangedEventArgs) Selects each entity completely enclosed in the specified selection rectangle.
Public method ProcessSelectionVisibleOnly(Rectangle, bool, bool, SelectionChangedEventArgs, bool, bool) Selects only visible entities in the specified rectangle. (inherited from Environment).
Public method ProcessSelectionVisibleOnlyLabels(Rectangle, bool, bool, SelectionChangedEventArgs, bool) Selects only visible labels in the specified rectangle. (inherited from Environment).
Public method Purge() Removes unused items from the Environment master collections (Layers, Blocks, Materials, etc.). (inherited from Environment).
Public method Rebuild(Model, bool, bool) Rebuilds sheets on this drawings.
Public method RemoveJittering(string) Creates a block with the selected Entities, computes the center of their bounding box, translates them all of the negative of that quantity and returns a BlockReference to that block.
Public method RemoveJittering(BlockReference) Gets the blockreference entities, computes the center of their bounding box, translates them all of the negative of that quantity and translates the blockreference back to the original position.
Public method RenderToBitmap(Rectangle, double, bool, bool) Returns an image of the current Environment scene of the active viewport. The image can be scaled even to a poster size one.
Public method RenderToBitmap(Rectangle, double, double, bool, bool) Returns an image of the current Environment scene of the active viewport. The image can be scaled even to a poster size one.
Public method RenderToBitmap(RectangleF, Size, bool, bool) Returns an image of the current Environment scene. The image can be scaled even to a poster size one.
Public method RenderToBitmap(RectangleF, Size, double, bool, bool) Returns an image of the current Environment scene. The image can be scaled even to a poster size one.
Public method RenderToBitmap(Size) Returns an image of the current Environment scene. The image can be scaled even to a poster size one.
Public method RenderToBitmap(Size, bool, bool) Returns an image of the current Environment scene. The image can be scaled even to a poster size one.
Public method RenderToBitmap(Size, double, bool, bool) Returns an image of the current Environment scene. The image can be scaled even to a poster size one.
Public method RenderToBitmap(double) Returns an image of the current Environment viewport scene. The image can be scaled even to a poster size one.
Public method RenderToBitmap(double, bool, bool) Returns an image of the current Environment scene of the active viewport. The image can be scaled even to a poster size one.
Public method RenderToBitmap(double, double, bool, bool) Returns an image of the current Environment scene of the active viewport. The image can be scaled even to a poster size one.
Protected method ResizeViewports() Resizes the Viewports. (inherited from Environment).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method RestoreCursor(CursorContainer) // Occurs when the cursor changes. // (inherited from Environment).
Public method RestoreView(Camera) Restores the previously saved view in the active viewport. (inherited from Environment).
Public method RestoreViewportsForDesignTime(DesignTimeFuncHandler) (inherited from Environment).
Public method RotateCamera(Point) Sets the view direction as the normal of the plane under the mouse cursor. (inherited from Environment).
Public method SaveFile(Stream, Model, FileSerializer) Saves the current scene synchronously on disk, including entities and all the master collections (layers, blocks, etc.)
Public method SaveFile(string, Model, FileSerializer) Saves the current scene synchronously on disk, including entities and all the master collections (layers, blocks, etc.)
Public method SaveScene(Stream) Obsolete. Saves the current scene on disk, including entities, textures, blocks and layouts.
Public method SaveScene(string) Obsolete. Saves the current scene on disk, including entities, textures, blocks and layouts.
Public method SaveView() Saves the current view on the Viewport.SavedViews stack.
Public method SaveView(out Camera) Stores the current view in the active viewport.
Public method ScaleForDPI() Scales the element for high DPI settings. (inherited from Environment).
Public method ScreenToPlane(IList<Point>, Plane) Maps screen coordinates to world coordinates in the active viewport.
Public method ScreenToPlane(Point, PlaneEquation, out Point3D) Maps screen coordinates to world coordinates in the active viewport.
Public method ScreenToWorld(Point) Maps screen coordinates to world coordinates.
Public method ScreenToWorld(IList<Point>) Maps screen coordinates to world coordinates.
Public method Static SelectObject(IntPtr, IntPtr) (inherited from Environment).
Public method SetActiveSheet(Sheet) Sets a sheet as the active one.
Public method SetActiveSheet(string) Sets a sheet as the active one.
Public method SetColorDrawForSelection(int) Sets a coded color depending on the entity id. (inherited from Environment).
Public method SetColorDrawForSelectionAndUpdateIdItemsMap<T>(GfxDrawForSelectionParams, ISelectableItem, int, int) Sets a coded color depending on the entity id. (inherited from Environment).
Public method SetCursor(Cursor) Sets the cursor.
Public method SetCursor(Stream) Sets the cursor. (inherited from EnvironmentBase).
Public method SetCursor(cursorType, Stream) Sets a cursor for a specific type/action. (inherited from EnvironmentBase).
Public method SetDefaultCursor(Cursor) Sets the default cursor for the viewport control.
Public method SetDefaultCursor(Stream) Sets the default cursor for the viewport control. (inherited from EnvironmentBase).
Public method SetFocus(KeyEventArgs) Sets the focus to the control. (inherited from Environment).
Public method SetParentHandle(IntPtr) (inherited from Environment).
Public method SetPrinterSettings(PrinterSettings, bool) Set the printer settings. (inherited from Environment).
Public method SetView(Quaternion, Point3D, double, double) Sets the specified view in the active viewport by doing an animation.
Public method SetView(Quaternion, Point3D, double, double, bool) Sets the specified view in the active viewport.
Public method SetView(Vector3D, Vector3D, bool, bool, int, bool) Sets the view direction of the camera to the specified direction.
Public method SetView(Vector3D, Vector3D, bool, int, bool)
Public method SetView(Vector3D, bool, bool, int, bool) Sets the view direction of the camera to the specified direction.
Public method SetView(Vector3D, bool, int, bool) Sets the view direction of the camera to the specified direction.
Public method SetView(viewType) Sets the specified view in the active viewport.
Public method SetView(viewType, bool, bool) Sets the specified view in the active viewport.
Public method SetView(viewType, bool, bool, int, bool) Sets the specified view in the active viewport.
Public method SetViewportsForDesignTime(DesignTimeFuncHandler) (inherited from Environment).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method SetWaitCursor() (inherited from Environment).
Protected method SimplifyOnFastZPR(DrawSceneParams) (inherited from Environment).
Protected method SimplifyOnFastZPR<T>(DrawBaseParams<T>) (inherited from Environment).
Protected method SortEntitiesForTransparency(Viewport, IList<Entity>) Sorts the transparent entities from the farthest to the nearest to the camera for better rendering. (inherited from Environment).
Public method StartWork(WorkUnit) Starts the work asynchronously. (inherited from Environment).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method StartZoomPanRotate(MouseEventArgs, Viewport) Starts a sequence of Zoom-Pan-Rotate movements if the proper keys/mouse buttons are pressed. (inherited from Environment).
Public method Static SuspendDesigner(bool) Suspends the events of Environment control for the designer. (inherited from Environment).
Public method SuspendUpdate(bool) Suspends the updates of Environment control. (inherited from Environment).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method SwapBuffers() Swaps the front and back buffers. (inherited from Environment).
Public method ToString Returns a string that represents the current object. (inherited from Object).
Public method Ungroup(int) Removes the group status from the specified group. (inherited from Environment).
Public method Unlock(string) Validates the license for runtime usage. (inherited from Environment).
Public method UpdateDesignModeScene() Used by the designer to update the graphics. (inherited from Environment).
Public method UpdateEnvironment() Updates the environment control in both desing-time and run-time mode. If necessary adjust near and far planes to accomodate origin symbols of various sizes. (inherited from Environment).
Public method UpdatePaper() Updates the paper drawing according to the current size.
Public method UpdateVisibleSelection() This method needs to be called before using one of the visible selection action modes or one of the methods that get the entities (or labels) under the mouse cursor if the Entity.Visible or the Entity.Selectable (or Label.Visible or Label.Selectable in case of labels selection) changed and the camera was not moved. (inherited from Environment).
Public method WndProcMouse3D(IntPtr, int, IntPtr, IntPtr, ref bool) (inherited from Environment).
Public method WorldToScreen(Point3D) Maps world coordinates to screen coordinates.
Public method WorldToScreen(double, double, double) Maps world coordinates to screen coordinates.
Public method WorldToScreen(IList<Point3D>) Maps world coordinates to screen coordinates.
Public method WriteToFileRaster(float, double, string, ImageFormat, bool, bool) Saves a raster image of the current viewport scene on disk.
Public method WriteToFileRaster(float, string, ImageFormat) Saves a raster image of the current viewport scene on disk.
Public method WriteToFileRaster(float, string, ImageFormat, bool, bool) Saves a raster image of the current viewport scene on disk.
Public method WriteToFileVector(bool, string) Saves a vectorial image of the current scene of the active viewport on disk in EMF format. (inherited from Environment).
Public method ZoomCamera(Point, int) Zooms the view of the specified amount.
Public method ZoomCamera(Point, int, bool) Zooms the view of the specified amount.
Public method ZoomCamera(int) Zooms the view of the specified amount.
Public method ZoomCamera(int, bool) Zooms the view of the specified amount.
Public method ZoomCamera(int, double) Zooms the view of the specified amount.
Public method ZoomCamera(int, double, bool) Zooms the view of the specified amount.
Public method ZoomFit() Fits the entire model in the viewport control's client area.
Public method ZoomFit(IList<Entity>, bool) Fits the entire model in the viewport control's client area.
Public method ZoomFit(IList<Entity>, bool, int) Fits the entire model in the viewport control's client area.
Public method ZoomFit(IList<SelectedItem>, int, perspectiveFitType) Fits the selected items.
Public method ZoomFit(IList<SelectedItem>) Fits the selected items.
Public method ZoomFit(IList<SelectedItem>, int) Fits the selected items.
Public method ZoomFit(bool) Fits the entire model in the viewport control's client area.
Public method ZoomFit(bool, int) Fits the entire model in the viewport control's client area.
Public method ZoomFit(int) Fits the entire model in the viewport control's client area.
Public method ZoomFitSelectedLeaves() Fits the selected entities, including the ones inside BlockReferences.
Public method ZoomFitSelectedLeaves(int) Fits the selected entities, including the ones inside BlockReferences.
Public method ZoomFitSelectedLeaves(int, perspectiveFitType) Fits the selected entities, including the ones inside BlockReferences.
Public method ZoomIn(int) Zooms the view in. (inherited from Environment).
Public method ZoomOut(int) Zooms the view out. (inherited from Environment).
Public method ZoomWindow(Point, Point) Zooms to the specified window. (inherited from Environment).
Name Description
Public event BoundingBoxChanged Occurs when the scene bounding box has changed. (inherited from Environment).
Public event CameraChanged Occurs when camera changes its position. (inherited from Environment).
Public event CameraMoveBegin Occurs when a camera Zoom/Pan/Rotate camera movement begins. (inherited from Environment).
Public event CameraMoveEnd Occurs when a Zoom/Pan/Rotate camera movement ends. (inherited from Environment).
Public event ErrorOccurred Occurs when an error happens during the drawing. (inherited from Environment).
Public event Mouse3DButtonDown Occurs when a Mouse3D button is pressed. (inherited from Environment).
Public event Mouse3DButtonUp Occurs when a Mouse3D button is pressed. (inherited from Environment).
Public event Mouse3DMove Occurs when a Mouse3D movement operation is performed. (inherited from Environment).
Public event MultiTouchClick Occurs when a multitouch surface is dragged. (inherited from Environment).
Public event MultiTouchDoubleClick Occurs when a multitouch surface is double-clicked. (inherited from Environment).
Public event MultiTouchDown Occurs when a multitouch surface is pressed. (inherited from Environment).
Public event MultiTouchMove Occurs when a multitouch movement is performed. (inherited from Environment).
Public event MultiTouchUp Occurs when a multitouch surface is released. (inherited from Environment).
Public event NavigationTimerTick Occurs during the scene navigation with the keyboard. (inherited from Environment).
Public event ProgressChanged Occurs when the read/write progress has changed. (inherited from Environment).
Public event SelectionChanged Occurs when entity selection has changed. (inherited from Environment).
Public event ViewChanged Occurs when the SetView is called. (inherited from Environment).
Public event WorkCancelled Occurs when the background work is cancelled. (inherited from Environment).
Public event WorkCompleted Occurs when the background work has completed. (inherited from Environment).
Public event WorkFailed Occurs when the background work has failed. (inherited from Environment).
Name Description
Public field Static AutoRefreshProperty (inherited from Environment).
Public field Static FontFamilyProperty (inherited from Environment).
Public field Static FontSizeProperty (inherited from Environment).
Public field Static FontStyleProperty (inherited from Environment).
Public field Static FontWeightProperty (inherited from Environment).
Public field IsUnlockedAtDesignTime For internal use only. (inherited from Environment).
Public field StandardShaders (inherited from Environment).
Protected field backgroundWorker (inherited from Environment).
Protected field fps Framerate per second counter. (inherited from Environment).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) field hasFocus Hold the focus status. (inherited from Environment).
The line weight factor set to the entities or to the layers are always considered as millimeters. Use the LineWeightFactor to change the scale factor used to display the entities line weight.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.5, 4.6, 4.7

In this article
