ReadAutodesk Class

Helper class for loading DWG/DXF files. A list of supported entities follows.
Entity NameDetails
PolygonMeshSimple, with no surface fitting or smoothing
Public Class ReadAutodesk
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public class ReadAutodesk
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Name Description
Public property AttributeReferenceVisibilityMode Gets or sets the AttributeReference visibility mode.
Public property BasePoint Gets the base point of the entities, read from the file.
Public property ExplodeDimensions If true, the Dimension and Leader are exploded to their inner entities when loaded and put in Blocks with "Dimension_#" name.
Public property ExtrudeByThickness Gets or sets a value indicating whether the curve with a defined thickness value are extruded as Mesh or Surface.
Public property FailedToLoad Gets the block references that failed to load.
Public property FixErrors If true, checks the drawing database consistency and fixes the errors.
Public property ForegroundColor Gets or sets the color assigned to entities and layers that were saved with foreground color method ( AutoCAD color index 7).
Public property HatchImportMode Gets or sets how to load the hatches.
Public property LayersToLoad Gets or sets the list of layers to load. Only the Entities on these layers will be loaded.
Public property Layouts Gets a dictionary with the name and the entities array for each layout found in the file.
Public property Materials Gets the collection of materials read from the file.
Public property Max Gets the Bounding Box maximum point.
Public property Min Gets the Bounding Box minimum point.
Public property ModelXData Gets the XData value list of the Model_Space block.
Public property OriginalFileVersion Gets the version of the imported AutoCAD file.
Public property Password Gets or sets the AutoCAD file password, can be null/Nothing..
Public property SearchFolders Gets the list of search folders for the missing XReferences.
Public property Simplify Controls if generic surfaces are converted to PlanarSurface, TabulatedSurface or RevolvedSurface and generic curves are converted to Line, Arc or Circle to improve import speed.
Public property SkipExternalReferences Gets or sets a value indicating whether the external references are skipped by the loading.
Public property SkipHatches Obsolete. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the hatches are skipped by the loading.
Public property SkipLayouts Gets or sets a value indicating whether the layouts inside the paper spaces are skipped by the loading.
Public property SkipOleObjects Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Ole2Frame objects are skipped by the loading.
Public property SkipProxies Gets or sets a value indicating whether the proxies are skipped by the loading.
Public property SupportedLinearUnitsType Gets the supported linear units
Protected property buildDefaultDrawing
Protected property noDocument
Name Description
Public method AddToDrawings(Drawings)
Public method AddToScene(Environment, Color) Adds to the Environment the entities loaded from the Autodesk file, along with layers and blocks. Blocks and layers contained previously in the Environment are merged.
Public method AddToScene(Environment, RegenOptions, bool, string)
Public method AddToScene(Environment, int) Adds to the Environment the entities loaded from the Autodesk file, along with layers and blocks. Blocks and layers contained previously in the Environment are merged.
Public method AddToScene(Environment, int, Color) Adds to the Environment the entities loaded from the Autodesk file, along with layers and blocks. Blocks and layers contained previously in the Environment are merged.
Public method AddToScene(Environment, string) Adds to the Environment the entities loaded from the Autodesk file, along with layers and blocks. Blocks and layers contained previously in the Environment are merged.
Public method AddToScene(Environment, string, Color) Adds to the Environment the entities loaded from the Autodesk file, along with layers and blocks. Blocks and layers contained previously in the Environment are merged.
Public method AddToSceneAsSingleObject(Environment, string, Color)
Public method AddToSceneAsSingleObject(Environment, string, int) Adds to scene putting the entities inside a Block and creating a BlockReference referring to it.
Public method AddToSceneAsSingleObject(Environment, string, int, Color) Adds to scene putting the entities inside a Block and creating a BlockReference referring to it.
Public method AddToSceneAsSingleObject(Environment, string, string) Adds to scene putting the entities inside a Block and creating a BlockReference referring to it.
Public method AddToSceneAsSingleObject(Environment, string, string, Color) Adds to scene putting the entities inside a Block and creating a BlockReference referring to it.
Public method CreateXRef(string, Point3D, Environment, string, blockExportType) Creates a block with the loaded entities, adds it to the Environment, marks it as external reference and returns a BlockReference to that block.
Protected method DoWork(BackgroundWorker, DoWorkEventArgs)
Public method Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (inherited from Object).
Public method FillMaterials(Model) Automatically merges materials with existing ones.
Protected method Finalize Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (inherited from Object).
Public method GetHashCode Serves as the default hash function. (inherited from Object).
Public method GetType Gets the Type of the current instance. (inherited from Object).
Protected method MemberwiseClone Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (inherited from Object).
Public method Static OnApplicationExit(object, EventArgs) Under some circumstances you can need to call this method if you get an exception after closing the application
Protected method ReadEntity(OdDbEntity, ReadEntityData) Reads an Autocad entity.
Protected method ReadSolidHatch(OdDbHatch, ReadEntityData) Reads a solid hatch.
Public method SetView(Viewport) Sets the view read from the file on the given viewport.
Public method ToString Returns a string that represents the current object. (inherited from Object).
Name Description
Public class ReadEntityData Data for reading Autocad entities.
Name Description
Public enumeration hatchImportType Hatch import type.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.5, 4.6, 4.7

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