DrawSilhouettesParams Class

Data for Entity.DrawSilhouettes.
Public Class DrawSilhouettesParams 
Inherits DrawParams
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public class DrawSilhouettesParams : DrawParams
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Name Description
Public property ActionMode Gets or sets the action mode. (inherited from DrawParams).
Public property Blocks The Blocks collection. (inherited from DrawParams).
Public property EdgeThickness The thickness of edges, used to draw the silhouettes of Brep when their Brep.SilhouettesDrawingMode is not silhouettesDrawingType.Standard
Public property FontDefs Gets or sets the fonts definitions. (inherited from DrawParams).
Public property ForceGray If true, the entity is drawn with a grayed color. (inherited from DrawParams).
Public property FullParents (inherited from DrawParams).
Public property Isocurves Gets or sets the visualization of the internal wireframe. (inherited from DrawParams).
Public property Layers The layers collection. (inherited from DrawParams).
Public property LineTypes Gets or sets the line types collection. (inherited from DrawParams).
Public property MaxPatternRepetitions Gets or sets the maximum number of pattern repetitions allowed between two vertices of a curve. (inherited from GfxEnvironmentParams).
Public property ModelViewProj Gets or sets the modelViewProjection matrix.
Public property Parents Parents list. (inherited from DrawParams).
Public property PlanarReflections Tells if the planar reflections are being drawn. (inherited from DrawParams).
Public property ProjectionMode Gets or sets the camera projection mode.
Public property RenderContext Gets or sets the render context. (inherited from GfxEnvironmentParams).
Public property ScreenToWorld Gets or sets the screen to world conversion factor. (inherited from DrawParams).
Public property ScreenToWorld4Times (inherited from DrawParams).
Public property Selected The selected status. (inherited from DrawParams).
Public property SelectionStatus Gets or sets the selection status. (inherited from DrawParams).
Public property ShaderParams Gets or sets the shader parameters. (inherited from DrawParams).
Public property SilhoThickness The thickness of silhouettes.
Public property SkipBorderEdges If true, skips the drawing of the silhouettes on the edges with just one adjacent triangle.
Public property TextStyles Gets or sets The text style collection. (inherited from DrawParams).
Public property Transformation Gets or sets the transformation applied to the object. (inherited from DrawParams).
Public property ViewFrame Gets or sets the viewport bounds.
Public property Viewport Gets or sets the Viewport. (inherited from DrawParams).
Public property direct3D If true, the graphics environment is using Direct3D to render the scene. (inherited from GfxEnvironmentParams).
Name Description
Public method Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (inherited from Object).
Protected method Finalize Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (inherited from Object).
Public method GetHashCode Serves as the default hash function. (inherited from Object).
Public method GetType Gets the Type of the current instance. (inherited from Object).
Protected method MemberwiseClone Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (inherited from Object).
Public method ToString Returns a string that represents the current object. (inherited from Object).
Name Description
Public field Attributes (inherited from DrawParams).
Public field BackFaceColorMethod (inherited from DrawParams).
Public field ColorMode The type of Color to set. (inherited from DrawParams).
Public field InsideColor Color for not selected inner parts. (inherited from DrawParams).
Public field InsideMaterial Material for not selected inner parts. (inherited from DrawParams).
Public field InsideSelectionColor Color for selected inner parts. (inherited from DrawParams).
Public field InsideSelectionMaterial Material for selected inner parts. (inherited from DrawParams).
Public field IsDesignMode (inherited from DrawParams).
Public field LineWeightFactor The scale factor applied to the line weights for the printing scale. (inherited from DrawParams).
Public field ParentSelected Tells if the parent entity is selected. (inherited from DrawParams).
Public field SelectionColor (inherited from DrawParams).
Public field SelectionLineWeightScaleFactor The scale factor applied to the line weight of selected entities. (inherited from DrawParams).
Public field SelectionMaterial (inherited from DrawParams).
Public field Simplify DrawSceneParams.Simplify (inherited from DrawParams).
Public field SmallParams (inherited from DrawParams).
Public field WireSelectionColor (inherited from DrawParams).

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.5, 4.6, 4.7

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