HiddenLinesView Class

Class that computes silhouettes and hidden lines.
Public Class HiddenLinesView 
Inherits WorkUnit
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public class HiddenLinesView : WorkUnit
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Name Description
Public property ComputingCirclesText Gets or sets the progress bar text displayed while computing circles when executed asynchronously.
Public property ComputingSilhouettesText Gets or sets the progress bar text displayed while computing silhouettes when executed asynchronously.
Public property ComputingVisibilityText Gets or sets the progress bar text displayed while computing lines visibility when executed asynchronously.
Public property Edges Gets the 2D curves representing the view's edges.
Public property ExecutionTime Gets the (last) work execution time in milliseconds. (inherited from WorkUnit).
Public property HiddenEdges Gets the 2D curves representing the view's hidden edges.
Public property HiddenSilhouettes Gets the 2D curves representing the view's hidden silhouettes.
Public property HiddenWires Gets the 2D curves representing the view's hidden wires.
Public property Pictures Gets the pictures generated.
Public property Regions Gets the meshes generated from the regions (if HiddenLinesViewSettings.FillRegions is true).
Public property RemovingOverlappingLinesText Gets or sets the progress bar text displayed while removing overlapped lines when executed asynchronously.
Public property Silhouettes Gets the 2D curves representing the view's silhouettes.
Public property TextStrings Gets the text's strings generated from the texts when HiddenLinesViewSettings.FillTexts is true and the text is readable and parallel to the screen.
Public property Texts Gets the meshes generated from dimensions arrows and texts (if HiddenLinesViewSettings.FillTexts is true, excluded readible text that are parallel to the screen).
Public property Wires Gets the 2D curves representing the view's wires.
Name Description
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method Cancelled(BackgroundWorker, DoWorkEventArgs) Checks if the user has requested cancellation of the background operation. (inherited from WorkUnit).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method DoWork(BackgroundWorker, DoWorkEventArgs) Does the actual work allowing progress bar update and cancellation.
Public method DoWork() Executes the work synchronously.
Public method Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (inherited from Object).
Protected method FilterLinesToExport(HdlCurve[]) Filters the curves to export.
Protected method Finalize Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (inherited from Object).
Protected method GetComputedLines(out HdlCurve[], out HdlCurve[], out HdlCurve[], out HdlCurve[], out HdlCurve[], out HdlCurve[], out HdlPicture[], out HdlText[]) Gets the computed curves for export.
Public method GetHashCode Serves as the default hash function. (inherited from Object).
Public method GetType Gets the Type of the current instance. (inherited from Object).
Protected method MemberwiseClone Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (inherited from Object).
Protected method PrintTriangles(Graphics)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method ResetProgressParallel(int) Resets the progress bar for a parallel loop. (inherited from WorkUnit).
Public method ScaleLinesToWorld(float) Scales the computed lines to world coordinates and applies an extra scale factor.
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method StartContinuousAnimation(string, BackgroundWorker) Start the animation for the continuous progress bar. (inherited from WorkUnit).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method StopContinuousAnimation(BackgroundWorker) Stop the animation for the continuous progress bar. (inherited from WorkUnit).
Public method ToString Returns a string that represents the current object. (inherited from Object).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method UpdateProgress(double, double, string, BackgroundWorker, bool) Updates the progress bar value. (inherited from WorkUnit).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method UpdateProgress(int, int, string, BackgroundWorker, bool) Updates the progress bar value. (inherited from WorkUnit).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method UpdateProgressAndCheckCancelled(int, int, string, BackgroundWorker, DoWorkEventArgs, bool) Updates the progress bar value and checks if the worker thread has been canceled. (inherited from WorkUnit).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method UpdateProgressAndCheckCancelledParallel(int, string, BackgroundWorker, DoWorkEventArgs) Updates the progress bar value and checks if the worker thread has been canceled, for a parallel loop. (inherited from WorkUnit).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method UpdateProgressParallel(double, string, BackgroundWorker) Updates the progress bar value for a parallel loop. (inherited from WorkUnit).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method UpdateProgressTo100(string, BackgroundWorker) Set the progress bar to 100% and forces screen update. (inherited from WorkUnit).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method WorkCancelled(Environment) Called when the work is cancelled. (inherited from WorkUnit).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method WorkCompleted(Environment) Called when the work has completed. In the case you are modeling something, the environment parameter allows you to easily add the model to the entities collection. (inherited from WorkUnit).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method WorkFailed(Environment) Called when the work has failed. (inherited from WorkUnit).
Name Description
Public event ProgressChanged Occurs when the DoWork() is called synchronously and the progress has changed. (inherited from WorkUnit).
Name Description
Public class HdlArc Defines an 2D Arc along with information about the entity it belongs to.
Public class HdlCurve Base class for curves resulting from HiddenLinesView computation.
Public class HdlLinearPath Defines a 2D piecewise linear curve along with information about the entity it belongs to.
Public class HdlMesh Defines a mesh along with information about the entity it belongs to.
Public class HdlPicture Defines a class representing picture with information about the entity it belongs to.
Public class HdlResult Base class for data resulting from HiddenLinesView computation.
Public class HdlText Defines a class representing text data along with information about the entity it belongs to.
Name Description
Public field HdlViewSettings Class that holds the settings and the result of hidden lines computation
Protected field wireAndTriangleDatas
Usage example.
  var hdls = new HiddenLinesViewSettings(environment1.Viewports[0], environment1, 0.1);
  hdls.KeepHiddenSegments = true; // in order to keep the hidden segments
  var hdl = new HiddenLinesView(hdls);
  var silho = hdl.GetSilhouettes();
  var hiddenSilho = hdl.GetHiddenSilhouettes();
  var edges = hdl.GetEdges();
  var hiddenEdges = hdl.GetHiddenEdges();
  var wires = hdl.GetWires();
  var hiddenWires = hdl.GetHiddenWires();
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  Dim hdls as HiddenLinesViewSettings = New HiddenLinesViewSettings(environment1.Viewports(0), environment1, 0.1)
  hdls.KeepHiddenSegments = True ' in order to keep the hidden segments
  Dim hdl = New HiddenLinesView(hdls)
  Dim silho As IList(Of Segment2D) = hdl.GetSilhouettes()
  Dim hiddenSilho As IList(Of Segment2D) = hdl.GetHiddenSilhouettes()
  Dim edges As IList(Of Segment2D) = hdl.GetEdges()
  Dim hiddenEdges As IList(Of Segment2D) = hdl.GetHiddenEdges()
  Dim wires As IList(Of Segment2D) = hdl.GetWires()
  Dim hiddenWires As IList(Of Segment2D) = hdl.GetHiddenWires()
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.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.5, 4.6, 4.7

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