Beam Class

3D two-noded beam element.
Public Class Beam 
Inherits Element3D
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public class Beam : Element3D
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Name Description
Protected constructor Beam(Beam)
Public constructor Beam(int, int, MaterialBeam) Node indices (zero-based) constructor.
Name Description
Public property AxialForce Gets the axial force.
Public property BendingMomentV Gets the bending moment around the local V axis, at the beginning and end of the beam.
Public property BendingMomentW Gets the bending moment around the local W axis, at the beginning and end of the beam.
Public property Faces Gets element faces. (inherited from Element).
Public property HingeEnd True if the beam has a hinge at its second node.
Public property HingeStart True if the beam has a hinge at its first node.
Public property Material Gets or set the material of this element. (inherited from Element).
Public property Principals Gets or sets element's principal stresses (defined as double [numberOfNodes, 3]). (inherited from Element).
Public property ShearForceV Gets the shear force parallel to the local V axis, at the beginning and end of the beam.
Public property ShearForceW Gets the shear force parallel to the local W axis, at the beginning and end of the beam.
Public property StiffnessMatrix Stiffness matrix. (inherited from Element).
Public property Stress Gets or sets element's stresses (defined as double [numberOfNodes, numberOfStressesPerNode]). (inherited from Element).
Public property SubdivisionNumber Number of sections in which we calculate the moments and forces for drawings. By default it is 10.
Public property TorsionMoment Gets the torsion moment.
Public property TwistAngle Gets the twist angle.
Public property VonMises Gets or sets element's VonMises stress (defined as double [numberOfNodes]). (inherited from Element).
Name Description
Public method CalcDisplacementsAlongTheBeam(Point3D[], double) Computes the local displacements of the beam at the specified point.
Public method CalcForces(Point3D[], double, out double, out double, out double) Computes the axial and shear forces of the beam at the specified point.
Public method CalcGlobalDisplacementsAlongTheBeam(Point3D[], double) Computes the global displacements of the beam at the specified point.
Public method CalcMoments(Point3D[], double, out double, out double, out double) Computes the torsion and bending moments of the beam at the specified point.
Public method Static CalcPrincipal(double, double, double, double, double, double, out double, out double[]) Computes VonMises and principal stresses. (inherited from Element).
Public method Static CalcPrincipal(double[], out double, out double[]) Computes VonMises and principal stresses. (inherited from Element).
Public method CalcStiffness(Point3D[], int) Computes element's stiffness matrix.
Public method CalcStress(Point3D[], int, int[], bool) Computes element's stresses.
Public method CalcTemp(int, Point3D[]) Computes element's load derived from thermal expansion.
Public method Clone() Creates a deep copy of this element.
Protected method ComputeCartesianStressAtSamplingPoint(int, Point3D[]) (inherited from Element).
Protected method ComputeTemp(double[], double[], int, double[,], double) (inherited from Element3D).
Protected method ComputeThermalLoading(int, bool, double[,], double[]) (inherited from Element3D).
Public method ConvertToSurrogate()
Public method Draw(RenderContextBase, Vector3D, Color, Point3D[], double)
Public method Draw(RenderContextBase, Vector3D, Point3D[], double)
Protected method DrawFace3(RenderContextBase, Color, int, Point3D[], double) (inherited from Element).
Protected method DrawFace3(RenderContextBase, int, Point3D[], double) (inherited from Element).
Protected method DrawFace3(RenderContextBase, int, Point3D[], double, double, double, bool, Color[]) (inherited from Element).
Protected method DrawFace4(RenderContextBase, Color, int, Point3D[], double) (inherited from Element).
Protected method DrawFace4(RenderContextBase, int, Point3D[], double) (inherited from Element).
Protected method DrawFace4(RenderContextBase, int, Point3D[], double, double, double, bool, Color[]) (inherited from Element).
Protected method DrawFace6(RenderContextBase, Color, int, Point3D[], double) (inherited from Element).
Protected method DrawFace6(RenderContextBase, int, Point3D[], double) (inherited from Element).
Protected method DrawFace6(RenderContextBase, int, Point3D[], double, double, double, bool, Color[]) (inherited from Element).
Protected method DrawFace8(RenderContextBase, Color, int, Point3D[], double) (inherited from Element).
Protected method DrawFace8(RenderContextBase, int, Point3D[], double) (inherited from Element).
Protected method DrawFace8(RenderContextBase, int, Point3D[], double, double, double, bool, Color[]) (inherited from Element).
Protected method DrawFaceElement3(RenderContextBase, int, Point3D[], double, double, double, bool, Color[]) (inherited from Element).
Protected method DrawFaceElement4(RenderContextBase, int, Point3D[], double, double, double, bool, Color[]) (inherited from Element).
Protected method DrawFaceElement6(RenderContextBase, int, Point3D[], double, double, double, bool, Color[]) (inherited from Element).
Public method DrawWithSharpColor(RenderContextBase, Vector3D, Point3D[], double, double, double, Color[])
Public method DrawWithSharpColorElement(RenderContextBase, Vector3D, Point3D[], double, double, double, Color[])
Public method DrawWithSmoothColor(RenderContextBase, Vector3D, Point3D[], double, double, double, Color[])
Public method DrawWithSmoothColorElement(RenderContextBase, Vector3D, Point3D[], double, double, double, Color[])
Public method Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (inherited from Object).
Protected method Finalize Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (inherited from Object).
Public method FixAllEdgeFace(int) Fixes all degrees of freedom of all the nodes of one edge (or face). (inherited from Element3D).
Public method FixEdgeFace(int, bool, bool, bool) Fixes the desired degrees of freedom of all the nodes of one edge (or face). (inherited from Element3D).
Protected method GaussQuadrature(out double[], out double[]) (inherited from Element).
Protected method GetFace3(int, int, Point3D[], double, List<Point3D>) (inherited from Element).
Protected method GetFace4(int, int, Point3D[], double, List<Point3D>) (inherited from Element).
Protected method GetFace6(int, int, Point3D[], double, List<Point3D>) (inherited from Element).
Protected method GetFace8(int, int, Point3D[], double, List<Point3D>) (inherited from Element).
Public method GetHashCode Serves as the default hash function. (inherited from Object).
Public method GetTriangles(int, Point3D[], double, List<Point3D>) (inherited from Element).
Public method GetType Gets the Type of the current instance. (inherited from Object).
Protected method Jacob3(int, int, Point3D[], double[], double[,], out double, double[,], double[,]) CALCULATES COORDINATES OF GAUSS POINTS AND THE JACOBIAN MATRIX AND ITS DETERMINANT AND THE INVERSE FOR 3D ELEMENTS (inherited from Element3D).
Protected method MemberwiseClone Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (inherited from Object).
Public method Refine(int, int, int, FemMesh) Refine the Element objects.
Public method SetDistributedLoad(Vector3D, Point3D[]) Sets an uniformly distributed load on the beam.
Public method SetDistributedLoad(double, Point3D[]) Sets an uniformly distributed load on the beam.
Public method SetDistributedLoad(double, double, Point3D[]) Loads the beam with a 2D vector given in the local VW section plane coordinates of the of the beam.
Public method SetForce(Vector3D, double, Point3D[]) Sets a force at the specified point along the beam.
Public method SetForce(double, double, double, Point3D[]) Sets a force given in local coordinates, at the specified point along the beam.
Public method SetLocalCoordinates(IList<Point3D>, Vector3D) Sets the local coordinate system (u,v,w) of the beam.
Public method SetPressure(int, Vector3D, Point3D[]) Loads an edge or a face of the element given a pressure vector.
Public method SetPressure(int, double, Point3D[]) Loads an edge or a face of the element with a perpendicular pressure of the given magnitude.
Public method SetRestraintEdgeFace(int, bool, bool, bool, double, double, double) Sets a fixed displacement on all the nodes of one edge (or face). (inherited from Element3D).
Public method SetRestraintEdgeFaceInX(int, double) Sets a fixed displacement along the X degree of freedom on all the nodes of one edge (or face). (inherited from Element3D).
Public method SetRestraintEdgeFaceInY(int, double) Sets a fixed displacement along the Y degree of freedom on all the nodes of one edge (or face). (inherited from Element3D).
Public method SetRestraintEdgeFaceInZ(int, double) Sets a fixed displacement along the Z degree of freedom on all the nodes of one edge (or face). (inherited from Element3D).
Public method SetStartSectionVertices(Point3D[]) Sets the vertices of the beam section at the beginning of the beam.
Public method SliceElementWithPlane(bool, Plane, Point3D[], Size3D, Legend)
Protected method StiffnessComputation(int, double[,], double) (inherited from Element3D).
Public method ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. (inherited from Element).
Protected method TotalUpTheStresses(double[,], int[], Point3D[]) (inherited from Element3D).
Public method UpdateVonMisesAndPrincipals() Updates the VonMises and Principal (P1, P2, P3) stresses using the Stress array as input. (inherited from Element).
Public method Static WeightedAverage(double, double, double, double, double, double) Returns XC = (X2 + X4 + X6)/3 (inherited from Element).
Public method Static WeightedAverage(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) Returns XC = (X2 + X4 + X6 + X8)/2 - (X1 + X3 + X5 + X7)/4 (inherited from Element).
Name Description
Protected field B Strain-Displacement matrix. (inherited from Element).
Public field Connection Element's nodes indices. (inherited from Element).
Protected field K StiffnessMatrix matrix. (inherited from Element).
Protected field NumberOfDimensions Number of dimensions in model. (inherited from Element).
Public field NumberOfDofPerNode Number of degrees of freedom at each node. (inherited from Element).
Protected field NumberOfGaussPoints Number of gauss points per element. (inherited from Element).
Public field NumberOfNodes Element's number of nodes. (inherited from Element).
Protected field NumberOfStressesPerNode Number of stresses per node. (inherited from Element).
Protected field StressMatrix Element's stress matrix. (inherited from Element).
Public field Temperature Element's temperature.
Public field TotalDof Total number of degrees of freedom per element: NumberOfDofPerNode * NumberOfNodes (inherited from Element).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) field elFaces Element face array. (inherited from Element).
Protected field mat Element's material. (inherited from Element).
Public field plotValues (inherited from Element).

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.8

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