Eyeshot 11 Documentation
WinForms Control / Redistribution and Deployment / Redistributables Assemblies
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    Redistributables Assemblies
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    When you deploy a Windows Forms application that uses Eyeshot WinForms control, you should copy the corresponding assembly files onto the end-user machine. Note that you cannot use our installation for this purpose, since it includes Design libraries that cannot be distributed according to the terms of our EULA. Thus, you need to manually deploy the necessary assembly files onto the target machine.

    Redistributable Assemblies

    Below is a list of all WinForms libraries that are allowed to be redistributed under the devDept Software EULA. By default, all required assemblies are located in the following folder of your development machine after installation: "C:\Program Files\devDept Software\Eyeshot <edition> <version>\Bin\".

    Non-Redistributable Assemblies

    Distributing any devDept Software design-time libraries ending with ".Design" (for instance, devDept.Eyeshot.Control.Win.v11.Design.dll) is strictly prohibited.

    See Also