devDept.Eyeshot Namespace

Provides classes for Model, Drawings and Simulation controls.
Name Description
Public class Arc2D Defines a 2D arc.
Public class AttributeReference AutoCAD attribute reference.
Public class BarBase
Public class BeginningToolBarButton The BeginningToolBarButton default class.
Public class Block Block definition. Blocks have to be added to the master block array Environment.Blocks and inserted in the Environment.Entities list using the BlockReference entity.

A block in Eyeshot is a collection of entities that create an object, grouped together to make one selectable object. Selecting one particular entity will select all entities contained within the block. They can be moved, rotated, mirrored etc and will always be treated by Eyeshot as one whole object.

Blocks are an invaluable way of quickly arranging complex pieces of a model. Selecting the object is a breeze, it is no longer necessary to painstakingly select each individual entities. Blocks also make it easy to duplicate the same object throughout a drawing, and as Eyeshot recognizes that each copy of a block is identical to the previous, the memory and processing time required by Eyeshot is reduced.

Public class BlockKeyedCollection Blocks collection.
Public class BlockKeyedCollection<T> Blocks generic collection.
Public class BorderSettings Viewport border settings.
Public class BoundingBoxSettings Bounding box settings.
Public class ButtonSettings Settings for ToolBar buttons and ProgressBar buttons.
Public class Camera 35 mm camera definition.
Public class CancelToolBarButton The CancelToolBarButton default class.
Public class CirclePointComparer
Public class ClippingPlane Clipping plane definition.
Public class CollisionDetection Utility class for performing Collision Detection.
Public class CollisionDetection2D Utility class for performing Collision Detection 2D on Plane XY (for ICurve and Region types only).
Public class CompileParams Data for Entity.Compile.
Public class ComputeDistances Utility class to compute the distances of each point of a FastPointCloud from a number of surfaces.
Public class CoordinateSystemBase Base class for CoordinateSystemIcon, OriginSymbol and ViewCubeIcon.
Public class CoordinateSystemIcon Coordinate System icon settings.
Public class DefaultToolBarButton Base class for default ToolBar buttons.
Public class DisplayModeSettings Display Mode settings for Wirefame mode.
Public class DisplayModeSettingsFlat Display Mode settings for Flat mode.
Public class DisplayModeSettingsRendered Display Mode settings for Rendered mode.
Public class DisplayModeSettingsShaded Display Mode settings for Shaded mode.
Public class DisposableBase Base class providing IDisposable interface.
Public class DrawDirectionParams Data for Entity.DrawDirection.
Public class DrawEdgesParams Data for Entity.DrawEdges.
Public class DrawEntitiesShadowParams Class with data for the shadow map creation.
Public class DrawOnScreenParams Data for Entity.DrawOnScreen.
Public class DrawOnScreenWireframeParams Data for Entity.DrawOnScreenWireframe.
Public class DrawParams Data for Entity.Draw and other draw methods.
Public class DrawSilhouettesParams Data for Entity.DrawSilhouettes.
Public class Drawings Drawings control definition.
Public class EndToolBarButton The EndToolBarButton default class.
Public class EntityList Entity collection.
Public class EnumDescription EnumConverter supporting System.ComponentModel.DescriptionAttribute
Public class Environment Base abstract class for Eyeshot controls.
Public class EnvironmentAccessibleObject Provides methods to interact with Eyeshot controls during UIAutomation testing.
Public class EnvironmentBase Interaction logic for UserControl1.xaml
Public class EyeshotCollection<T> Base collection with virtual methods for handling code when items are added or removed.
Public class EyeshotDisposableCollection<T> Base collection with virtual methods for handling code when items are added or removed.
Public class EyeshotDisposableDictionary<T> Eyeshot disposable dictionary.
Public class EyeshotDisposableKeyedCollection<T> Base class for Eyeshot disposable keyed collections.
Public class EyeshotException An exception thrown by Eyeshot.
Public class EyeshotKeyedCollection<T> Base class for Eyeshot keyed collections.
Public class EyeshotMemoryLeakException A memory leak exception thrown by Eyeshot.
Public class FontData Font data class. Used internally to store the data for the characters of a given Font.
Public class FontDataDictionary The FontData dictionary.
Public class FontStyleCharData Character data class. Used internally to store characters data.
Public class FontStyleData FontStyleData data class. Holds the data for the characters of a given Font and FontStyle.
Public class FrustumParams Data for Entity methods doing operations based on the camera frustum.
Public class GfxDrawForSelectionParams Data for the selection methods (Entity.DrawForSelection, Entity.DrawForSelectionEdges, Entity.DrawForSelectionFaces, Entity.DrawForSelectionVertices, Entity.DrawForSelectionWireframe)
Public class Grid Planar grid definition.
Public class HatchPattern HatchPattern definition. The pattern is defined by a collection of HatchPatternLine. The process of hatching consists of expanding each line to its infinite family of parallel lines. All hatch contours are checked for intersections with any of these lines, any intersections cause the hatch lines to be turned on and off.
Public class HatchPatternKeyedCollection
Public class HatchPatternLine HatchPatternLine definition. Each pattern line is considered to be the first member of a line family, created by applying the delta offsets in both directions to generate an infinite family of parallel lines.
Public class HiddenLinesSettings Viewport Hidden Lines settings.
Public class HiddenLinesView Class that computes silhouettes and hidden lines.
Public class HiddenLinesViewOnClipboard Class that copies a vectorial image of the current scene of the active viewport into the clipboard.
Public class HiddenLinesViewOnFile Class that saves a vectorial image of the current scene of the active viewport on disk in EMF format.
Public class HiddenLinesViewOnFileAutodesk Class that saves a vectorial image of the current scene of the active viewport on disk in DWG/DXF format.
Public class HiddenLinesViewOnPaper Class that prints a vectorial image of the current scene.
Public class HiddenLinesViewOnPaperPreview Class that prints a vectorial image of the current scene of the active viewport, opening a Print Preview dialog.
Public class HiddenLinesViewSettings Class that holds the settings and the result of hidden lines computation.
Public class HomeToolBarButton The HomeToolBarButton default class.
Public class IsSmallParams Data for the Entity.IsSmall method.
Public class Layer Layer definition. Layers are a way to group objects so that the groups can have common formatting. For example, you may want your objects to show up in one color and your dimensions to show in another. Create a separate layer for each, then you can change all the dimensions or all the objects at the same time. You may show or hide layers, change the color, lineweight, or linetype. Layers are utilized often to make drawings easier to read.
Public class LayerEx Derived Layer class with external reference information.
Public class LayerKeyedCollection Layers collection.
Public class Legend Legend settings.
Public class LineType LineType class. The pattern defines pen-up lengths (spaces), pen-down lengths (dashes), and dots. A pattern specifies the length of segments that make up the linetype. A positive decimal number specifies a pen-down (dash) segment of that length. A negative decimal number specifies a pen-up (space) segment of that length. Zero specifies a dot. For example, the DASHDOT linetype is defined by a repeating pattern starting with a dash 0.5 drawing units long, a space 0.25 drawing units long, a dot, and another space 0.25 drawing units long.
Public class LineTypeEx Derived LineType class with external reference information.
Public class LineTypeKeyedCollection Line types collection.
Public class MagnifyingGlassSettings Class that holds the settings for the magnifying glass feature.
Public class MagnifyingGlassToolBarButton The MagnifyingGlassToolBarButton default class.
Public class Manufacture Manufacture control definition.
Public class ManufactureShortcutKeysSettings Additional Manufacture keyboard shortcut settings.
Public class MaterialKeyedCollection Materials collection. Automatically manages OpenGL resources allocation / deallocation.
Public class MinimumDistance Utility class to computes the minimum distance between BRep's vertices, edges, faces and BRep themselves.
Public class Model Model control definition.
Public class Mouse3DSettings Mouse 3D settings.
Public class MovementSettingsBase Base class for Zoom/Pan/Rotate settings.
Public class MultiTouchSettings Multi Touch settings
Public class NavigationSettings Settings for the navigationType.Walk and navigationType.Fly camera navigation modes.
Public class NextToolBarButton The NextToolBarButton default class.
Public class NodeBase
Public class ObjectManipulator Object manipulator class.
Public class ObjectManipulatorPartProperties Class that holds the properties for the ObjectManipulator parts.
Public class Octant One of the eight space containing a definite number of Triangles per Mesh
Public class Octree This class help divide the Mesh's space in 8 parts, each one with a definite number of Triangles.
Public class OffsetOnCameraAxesParams Data for Entity.ComputeOffsetOnCameraAxes.
Public class OriginSymbol Origin symbol settings.
Public class PanSettings Pan command settings.
Public class PanToolBarButton The PanToolBarButton default class.
Public class PauseToolBarButton The PauseToolBarButton default class.
Public class PointOnCircle For internal use only.
Public class PreProcessSilhouettesParams Data for the PreProcessHDL<T> method.
Public class PreviousToolBarButton The PreviousToolBarButton default class.
Public class ProgressBar Viewport progress bar.
Public class ProgressChangedEventArgs Provides data for the Environment.ProgressChanged event.
Public class QuadEntityDataNode
Public class QuadTree This class help divide the Mesh's space in 8 parts, each one with a definite number of Triangles.
Public class RegenOptions Asynchronous regeneration options.
Public class RegenParams Data for Entity.Regen.
Public class Regeneration Utility class for block and entities regeneration.
Public class RenderParams Data for Entity.Render.
Public class RotateSettings Rotate command settings.
Public class RotateToolBarButton The RotateToolBarButton default class.
Public class ScreenPolygonParams Data for Entity methods doing operations based on a screen polygon.
Public class SelectionBoxColorsSettings Class that holds the colors used to draw the selection box and polygon.
Public class ShareToolBarButton The ShareToolBarButton default class.
Public class Sheet Drawings sheet class definition.
Public class SheetKeyedCollection Sheets collection. Automatically manages OpenGL resources allocation / deallocation.
Public class ShortcutKeysSettings Keyboard shortcut settings.
Public class SilhoPolygonData Class with 3D polygon data to compute silhouettes.
Public class SilhoRegionData
Public class SilhoTextData
Public class SilhoWireAndTriangleData
Public class SilhoWireData Class with the data to compute silhouettes.
Public class Simulation Simulation control definition.
Public class SimulationTimeLine Manufacture simulation timeline.
Public class StartToolBarButton The StartToolBarButton default class.
Public class TempEntityList Entity collection.
Public class TextStyle Class holding the data for the text style.
Public class TextStyleEx Derived TextStyle class with external reference information.
Public class TextStyleKeyedCollection Text style collection.
Public class TextureMappingData Texture mapping data.
Public class ToolBar Viewport ToolBar.
Public class ToolBarButton The ToolBarButton class that raises the Click event.
Public class ToolBarButtonList Class that holds and manages the list of ToolBarButtons.
Public class ToolBarSeparator The ToolBarSeparator default class.
Public class TraversalParams Base class that holds the data for many Entity methods.
Public class TurboSettings
Public class UserInterfaceBase Base class for Legend and Viewport.
Public class UserInterfaceSymbolBase Base class for CoordinateSystemIcon, OriginSymbol and ViewCubeIcon.
Public class ViewBuilder Class that computes geometry for view entity.
Public class ViewCubeIcon View Cube icon settings. This user interface element will never be added to images and printouts.
Public class Viewport Viewport settings.
Public class ViewportLayout Obsolete. Deprecated class.
Public class ViewportList Class that holds and manages the list of Viewports.
Public class VisibleChangedEventArgs
Public class WorkCompletedEventArgs Provides data for the Environment.WorkCompleted event.
Public class WorkFailedEventArgs Provides data for the Environment.WorkFailed event.
Public class WorkManager<T> Helper class to handle WorkUnits work.
Public class WorkUnit

Base class for background working support. Overriding this class you can build a model or do your CPU intensive calculations on a separate thread keeping your application UI responsive.

Depending on the nature of the work you may need to override both the DoWork and WorkCompleted methods or only the DoWork one and provide a WorkCompletedEventHandler to be notified when the work has completed.

Public class WorkUnitEventArgs Provides data for the WorkManager<T> events.
Public class ZoomFitToolBarButton The ZoomFitToolBarButton default class.
Public class ZoomSettings Zoom command settings.
Public class ZoomToolBarButton The ZoomToolBarButton default class.
Public class ZoomWindowToolBarButton The ZoomWindowToolBarButton default class.
Name Description
Public interface IDataEx Public properties and methods shared by the various classes created when reading DWGs to support the XReference.
Public interface INotifyVisibleChanged Interface for IKeyedCollectionItem<T> to preserve the collection integrity when the key changes.
Public interface ISelectableItem Interface for selectable items.
Public interface IUserInterfaceElement Interface used for Designer purposes.
Name Description
Public structure MouseButton MouseButton class.
Name Description
Public delegate VisibleChangedEventHandler The delegate for the INotifyVisibleChanged.VisibleChanged event.
Name Description
Public enumeration actionType Viewport action type.
Public enumeration attributeReferenceVisibilityType AttributeReference visibility type.
Public enumeration booleanFailureType Result for a boolean operation.
Public enumeration colorType The type of color that needs to be set.
Public enumeration coordinateSystemPositionType Position type.
Public enumeration cursorType Cursor types
Public enumeration displayType Viewport display type.
Public enumeration edgeColorMethodType Edge color type.
Public enumeration flatColorMethodType Flat color method type.
Public enumeration hiddenLinesColorMethodType Hidden Lines color type.
Public enumeration modifierKeys ModifierKeys and their combinations.
Public enumeration mouseButtonsZPR Mouse buttons and their combinations for Zoom / Pan / Rotate.
Public enumeration operatingType Secondary representation operating type definition.
Public enumeration originSymbolStyleType Origin symbol style type.
Public enumeration rendererType Type of rendering engine.
Public enumeration rotationCenterType Rotation center type.
Public enumeration rotationType Rotation mode type.
Public enumeration selectionFilterType The selection filter type.
Public enumeration selectionStatusType The selection status type.
Public enumeration silhoDataType The type of data of the SilhoWireData element.
Public enumeration silhouettesDrawingType Silhouettes drawing type.
Public enumeration ssiFailureType Intersection types of failure.
Public enumeration textureMappingType Texture mapping type.
Public enumeration viewType View type.
Public enumeration viewportLayoutType Viewports layout type.
Public enumeration waitCursorType Viewport wait cursor type.
Public enumeration workUnitStatus WorkUnit progress status during WorkManager<T> queue handling.
Public enumeration zoomFitType Zoom Fit type.
Public enumeration zoomStyleType Zoom type.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.8

In this article
