Clearing3D Class

3D clearing class definition.

Bulk material is removed in layers or levels from the raw stock. Typical tools used for this kind of operation are Flat or Corner Radius end mills.

Public Class Clearing3D 
Inherits Contour3D
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public class Clearing3D : Contour3D
This language is not supported or no code example is available.
Name Description
Public property AxialStockToLeave Gets or sets the axial (floor) stock to leave. (inherited from Machining3D).
Public property BottomPlane Gets the machining bottom plane. (inherited from Machining).
Public property BoundaryOffset Gets or sets tool containment region offset. (inherited from Machining3D).
Public property ClearanceHeight Gets or sets the clearance height. (inherited from Machining).
Public property ClearancePlane Gets the machining clearance plane. (inherited from Machining).
Public property ComputingPassesText Gets or sets the "Computing passes..." text string. (inherited from Machining).
Public property CutDirectionMode Gets or sets direction mode. (inherited from Machining).
Public property ExecutionTime Gets the (last) work execution time in milliseconds. (inherited from WorkUnit).
Public property Feed Gets or sets the feed rate. (inherited from Machining).
Public property FlatAreaDetection If enabled, the strategy attempts to detect the heights of flat areas and machine at these levels.
Public property LeadIn Gets or sets the lead-in. (inherited from Machining).
Public property LeadInOpen Gets or sets the lead-in for open contours. (inherited from Machining).
Public property LeadOut Gets or sets the lead-out. (inherited from Machining).
Public property LeadOutOpen Gets or sets the lead-out for open contours. (inherited from Machining).
Public property Log Gets the list of errors and warnings generated during execution. (inherited from WorkUnit).
Public property PreparingGeometryText Gets or sets the "Preparing geometry..." text. (inherited from Machining3D).
Public property RadialStockToLeave Gets or sets the radial (wall) stock to leave. (inherited from Machining).
Public property Ramp Gets or sets the ramp type.
Public property Result Gets resulting toolpath. (inherited from Machining).
Public property RetractHeight Gets or sets the Retract height. (inherited from Machining).
Public property RetractPlane Gets the machining retract plane. (inherited from Machining).
Public property Speed Gets or sets the spindle speed. (inherited from Machining).
Public property Status Gets the WorkUnit status. (inherited from WorkUnit).
Public property StepDown Gets step down value. (inherited from Machining).
Public property StepOver Gets step over value. (inherited from Machining).
Public property Tessellation Gets the machining tessellated geometry. (inherited from Machining).
Public property Tolerance

Get or set machining tolerance. Affects the final toolpath accuracy.

Reasonable values can be 0.1 mm for roughing and 0.01 mm for finishing for a model with metric units.

(inherited from Machining).
Public property Tool Gets the machining tool. (inherited from Machining).
Public property TopPlane Gets the machining top plane. (inherited from Machining).
Name Description
Public method Static AddZ(Point2D[], double) (inherited from Machining).
Public method Static AddZ(Point2D[][], double) (inherited from Machining).
Public method Static AreEqualZ(double, double, double) Checks if two Z values are equal within a tolerance. (inherited from Machining).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method Cancelled(BackgroundWorker, DoWorkEventArgs) Checks if the user has requested cancellation of the background operation. (inherited from WorkUnit).
Protected method Static ComputeStepsZ(Interval, double, bool, Geometry3D, PolyRegion2D, double, double, out double[], Model) (inherited from Machining3D).
Protected method ComputeWaterlines(double[], PolyRegion2D, bool, BackgroundWorker, DoWorkEventArgs) (inherited from Contour3D).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method DoWork(BackgroundWorker, DoWorkEventArgs) Does the actual work allowing progress bar update and cancellation.
Public method Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (inherited from Object).
Protected method EstimateSafetyHeights(Stock) (inherited from Machining).
Protected method Filter(Point3D[][]) (inherited from Machining3D).
Protected method Finalize Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (inherited from Object).
Protected method Static FromRegion(Region) (inherited from Machining).
Public method GetBottomPlane(Color, string) Gets a visual representation of the Bottom machining plane. (inherited from Machining).
Public method GetBottomPlane(Point3D, Point3D, string) Gets a visual representation of the Bottom machining plane. (inherited from Machining).
Public method GetBottomPlane(string) Gets a visual representation of the Bottom machining plane. (inherited from Machining).
Public method GetBoundary() Gets a visual representation of the machining boundary. (inherited from Machining3D).
Public method GetBoundary(Color) Gets a visual representation of the machining boundary. (inherited from Machining3D).
Public method GetClearancePlane(Color, string) Gets a visual representation of the Clearance machining plane. (inherited from Machining).
Public method GetClearancePlane(Point3D, Point3D, string) Gets a visual representation of the Clearance machining plane. (inherited from Machining).
Public method GetClearancePlane(string) Gets a visual representation of the Clearance machining plane. (inherited from Machining).
Protected method GetCutter() (inherited from Machining).
Protected method GetDefaultCircularLeadRadius(EndMill) Computes the default circular lead radius on tool diameter. (inherited from Machining).
Protected method GetDefaultHelixRampRadius(EndMill) Computes the default helix ramp radius based on tool diameter. (inherited from Machining).
Protected method GetDefaultRampClearanceHeight(EndMill) Computes the default ramp clearance height. (inherited from Machining).
Protected method GetDefaultStraightTangentLeadLength(EndMill) Computes the default ramp clearance height. (inherited from Machining).
Public method GetHashCode Serves as the default hash function. (inherited from Object).
Protected method Static GetOuterRegion(EndMill, Region, Region, GeometryBase) Gets the outer region following this order boundary, stock, geometry bounding rectangle. (inherited from Machining).
Protected method Static GetOuterRegion(EndMill, Region, Point2D, Point2D, double, bool) Returns a regenerated stock region or the geometry bounding rectangle (with offset by cutter radius if requested). (inherited from Machining).
Protected method GetRawPasses(BackgroundWorker, DoWorkEventArgs) Computes the polygonal loops representing the contours. (inherited from Contour3D).
Public method GetRetractPlane(Color, string) Gets a visual representation of the Retract machining plane. (inherited from Machining).
Public method GetRetractPlane(Point3D, Point3D, string) Gets a visual representation of the Retract machining plane. (inherited from Machining).
Public method GetRetractPlane(string) Gets a visual representation of the Retract machining plane. (inherited from Machining).
Protected method GetSampling() (inherited from Machining3D).
Public method GetTopPlane(Color, string) Gets a visual representation of the Top machining plane. (inherited from Machining).
Public method GetTopPlane(Point3D, Point3D, string) Gets a visual representation of the Top machining plane. (inherited from Machining).
Public method GetTopPlane(string) Gets a visual representation of the Top machining plane. (inherited from Machining).
Protected method Static GetTransformedBoundary(Region, GeometryBase) Returns a copy of the specified Region transformed by setup inverse matrix. (inherited from Machining).
Public method GetType Gets the Type of the current instance. (inherited from Object).
Public method Static GetUnitsAbbreviation(linearUnitsType) Returns "mm" if the parameters is Millimeters, "in" otherwise. (inherited from Machining).
Protected method GetWaterlines(bool, bool, Region, BackgroundWorker, DoWorkEventArgs, out PolyRegion2D) (inherited from Contour3D).
Protected method InitLeads() Update the leads (in and out) based on the current tolerance and cut direction. Leads must be updated once before computing the positions. (inherited from Machining).
Protected method InitRamps(double) Update the ramps based on the current tolerance and cut direction. Ramps should be updated once before computing the positions. (inherited from Machining).
Protected method MemberwiseClone Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (inherited from Object).
Protected method RemoveZ(Point3D[]) (inherited from Machining).
Protected method RemoveZ(Point3D[][]) (inherited from Machining).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method ResetProgressParallel(int) Resets the progress bar for a parallel loop. (inherited from WorkUnit).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method StartContinuousAnimation(string, BackgroundWorker, params string[]) Start the animation for the continuous progress bar. (inherited from WorkUnit).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method StopContinuousAnimation(BackgroundWorker) Stop the animation for the continuous progress bar. (inherited from WorkUnit).
Public method ToString Returns a string that represents the current object. (inherited from Object).
Protected method Static TranslateZ(Point3D[][], double, Interval) (inherited from Machining3D).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method UpdateProgress(double, double, string, BackgroundWorker, bool, params string[]) Updates the progress bar value. (inherited from WorkUnit).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method UpdateProgress(int, int, string, BackgroundWorker, bool, params string[]) Updates the progress bar value. (inherited from WorkUnit).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method UpdateProgressAndCheckCancelled(int, int, string, BackgroundWorker, DoWorkEventArgs, bool, params string[]) Updates the progress bar value and checks if the worker thread has been canceled. (inherited from WorkUnit).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method UpdateProgressAndCheckCancelledParallel(int, string, BackgroundWorker, DoWorkEventArgs, params string[]) Updates the progress bar value and checks if the worker thread has been canceled, for a parallel loop. (inherited from WorkUnit).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method UpdateProgressParallel(double, string, BackgroundWorker, params string[]) Updates the progress bar value for a parallel loop. (inherited from WorkUnit).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method UpdateProgressTo100(string, BackgroundWorker, params string[]) Set the progress bar to 100% and forces screen update. (inherited from WorkUnit).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method WorkCancelled(Environment) Called when the work is cancelled. (inherited from WorkUnit).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method WorkCompleted(Environment) Called when the work has completed. In the case you are modeling something, the environment parameter allows you to easily add the model to the entities collection. (inherited from WorkUnit).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method WorkFailed(Environment) Called when the work has failed. (inherited from WorkUnit).
Name Description
Public event ProgressChanged Occurs when the DoWork() is called synchronously and the progress has changed. (inherited from WorkUnit).
Name Description
Protected field DefaultHelixRampAngle Default helix ramp angle. (inherited from Machining).
Protected field boundary Tool containment region. (inherited from Machining3D).
Protected field cutter End mill definition. (inherited from Machining).
Protected field fallbackRamp Default fallback ramp. The fallback ramp is used when the appropriate ramp fails to be placed due to stroke intersections. (inherited from Machining).
Protected field geometry The machining geometry (whether 2D or 3D). (inherited from Machining).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) field log (inherited from WorkUnit).
Protected field openContoursRamp Ramp-in for open contours. (inherited from Machining).
Protected field pocketRamp Ramp-in for closed pocket contours. If null, the user-defined ramp will be used instead. (inherited from Machining).
Protected field stepDown Step down. (inherited from Machining).
Protected field stepOver Step over. (inherited from Machining).
Protected field tessellationColor The geometry tessellation color. (inherited from Machining).
Protected field tolerance Machining tolerance. Affects the final toolpath accuracy. (inherited from Machining).
Protected field units The machining units. (inherited from Machining).
Protected field zRange Z axis range. (inherited from Machining).
If the stock is defined, the computation takes it in account.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.8

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