Product Activation

Eyeshot activation is a two steps process. It needs to be activated for design-time usage and unlocked for run-time usage.

Activating Eyeshot for design-time usage

Design-time activation can be completed using the Activation tool.

Licensing Eyeshot for run-time usage

Add the LicenseManager.Unlock() call to the startup code of the application, before any Eyeshot object has been created.


WinForms runtime activation.

static class Program
    /// <summary>
    /// The main entry point for the application.
    /// </summary>
    static void Main()
       devDept.LicenseManager.Unlock(typeof(devDept.Eyeshot.Workspace), "FS22-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXX-XXXX");
       Application.Run(new Form1());
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' Startup: Raised when the application starts, before the startup form is created.
 Partial Friend Class MyApplication
  Private Sub MyApplication_Startup(sender As Object, e As StartupEventArgs) Handles Me.Startup
     devDept.LicenseManager.Unlock(GetType(devDept.Eyeshot.Workspace), "FS22-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXX-XXXX")
  End Sub
 End Class
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WPF runtime activation.

/// <summary>
 /// Interaction logic for App.xaml
 /// </summary>
 public partial class App : Application
    protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)
       devDept.LicenseManager.Unlock(typeof(devDept.Eyeshot.Workspace), "FF22-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXX-XXXX");
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Class Application
     ' Application-level events, such as Startup, Exit, and DispatcherUnhandledException
     ' can be handled in this file.
     Protected Overrides Sub OnStartup(e As StartupEventArgs)
         devDept.LicenseManager.Unlock(GetType(devDept.Eyeshot.Workspace), "FF22-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXX-XXXX")
     End Sub
 End Class					
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Multiple serial numbers 
If you own more than one serial number for current Eyeshot version, you can use any of them in the LicenseManager.Unlock() call.

Licensing Eyeshot samples 
The Eyeshot source code samples need to be licensed for runtime usage as well. For this purpose, the Unlock Samples utility program is provided to add the proper LicenseManager.Unlock() call in all the samples in one shot.

In this article
