HexagonalCompositeCurve Class

NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Use CompositeCurve.CreateHexagon instead.

Hexagonal composite curve definition.
Public Class HexagonalCompositeCurve 
Inherits CompositeCurve
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public class HexagonalCompositeCurve : CompositeCurve
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Name Description
Public property BoxMax Gets the maximum 3D extent of the entity. (inherited from Entity).
Public property BoxMin Gets the minimum 3D extent of the entity. (inherited from Entity).
Public property BoxSize Gets the 3D extent of the entity. (inherited from Entity).
Public property Color Gets or sets the entity color. (inherited from Entity).
Public property ColorMethod Gets or sets the entity color source. (inherited from Entity).
Protected property Compiling Tells if the entity is being compiled. (inherited from Entity).
Public property CurveList Gets or sets the composite curve curve list. (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Public property Domain (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Public property EdgeIndex (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Public property EndPoint (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Public property EndTangent (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Public property EntityData Gets or sets the entity custom data. If the type implements ICloneable it will be cloned when the Entity is cloned. (inherited from Entity).
Public property FromBooleanIntersection (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Public property GroupIndex Gets or sets the entity group index. (inherited from Entity).
Public property IsClosed (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Public property IsPoint (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Public property LayerName Gets or sets the name of the referenced Layer. (inherited from Entity).
Public property LineTypeMethod Gets or sets the entity line type source. (inherited from Entity).
Public property LineTypeName Gets or sets the line type name of the Environment.LineTypes dictionary. In use only if the LineTypeMethod is byEntity. (inherited from Entity).
Public property LineTypeScale Gets or sets the line type scale. (inherited from Entity).
Public property LineWeight Gets or sets the entity line weight. (inherited from Entity).
Public property LineWeightMethod Gets or sets the entity line weight source. (inherited from Entity).
Public property MaterialName Gets or sets the entity material name. (inherited from Entity).
Public property OrientedBounding A bounding volume that can fit the entity in a different orientation than AABB. It can be an OrientedBoundingBox or an OrientedBoundingRect(for planar entities). UpdateOrientedBoundingBox (inherited from Entity).
Public property RegenMode Gets or sets the entity regeneration mode. (inherited from Entity).
Public property Selectable Gets or sets the value that tells if the top-level item can be selected. (inherited from Entity).
Public property Selected Gets or sets the entity selection status. (inherited from Entity).
Public property StartPoint (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Public property StartTangent (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Public property Vertices Gets or sets entity's 3D vertices. (inherited from Entity).
Public property Visible Gets or sets the entity visibility status for the top-level. (inherited from Entity).
Public property XData Gets or sets the XData value list. (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) property entityNature Gets or sets the nature of the entity. (inherited from Entity).
Name Description
Protected method AddVerticesToXElement(XElement) For internal use only. (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method AllVerticesInFrustum(FrustumParams) (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method AllVerticesInScreenPolygon(ScreenPolygonParams) Tells if an entity is fully contained inside a polygon defined in screen coordinates. (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method Animate(int) Gives a chance to derived classes to change the entity position/rotation at each timer tick. (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method CheckIsSmallArray(int) Ensures that the IsSmall array is big enough to hold data for the specified number of viewports. (inherited from Entity).
Public method ClearSelectability(Stack<BlockReference>) Clear the entity selectability status for the defined nested instance. (inherited from Entity).
Public method ClearSelectabilityForAllInstances() Clears the selectability status for all instances. (inherited from Entity).
Public method ClearSelectionForAllInstances() Clears the selection status for all instances. (inherited from Entity).
Public method ClearVisibility(Stack<BlockReference>) Clear the entity visibility status for the defined nested instance. (inherited from Entity).
Public method ClearVisibilityForAllInstances() Clears the visibility status for all instances. (inherited from Entity).
Public method Clone() Creates a deep copy of this composite curve. (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Public method ClosestPointTo(Point3D, out double) (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method CombineBoundingBox(Transformation, Point3D, Point3D) Combines the entity's bounding box with the given bounding box. (inherited from Entity).
Public method Compile(CompileParams) Compiles the graphic representation of this entity. (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Protected method CompilePattern(CompileParams) Compiles the graphics representation of the pattern of wireframe entities. (inherited from Entity).
Protected method CompileWire(CompileParams) Compiles the graphics representation of wireframe entities. (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method ComputeBoundingBox(TraversalParams, out Point3D, out Point3D) Computes the entity's bounding box.
Protected method Static ComputeBoundingBox(TraversalParams, IList<Point3D>, out Point3D, out Point3D) Computes the entity's bounding box. (inherited from Entity).
Protected method Static ComputeBoundingBox(TraversalParams, float[], int, out Point3D, out Point3D) (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method ComputeOffsetOnCameraAxes(OffsetOnCameraAxesParams) Computes the intersection of the lines passing from the vertices and oriented like the frustum planes with the X and Y axes of the camera.
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method Static ComputeOffsetOnCameraAxes(OffsetOnCameraAxesParams, IList<Point3D>, int)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method Static ComputeOffsetOnCameraAxes(Transformation, float[], int, Point2D, Point2D, Point2D, Point2D, int)
Public method ConvertToSurrogate() Converts the entity to its surrogate, for serialization purpose. (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Public method CopyAttributes(Entity) Copies the following attributes to this entity: Color, ColorMethod, LineWeight, LineTypePattern, LineTypeMethod, LineWeight, LineWeightMethod, LayerIndex and MaterialName. (inherited from Entity).
Public method CopyAttributesFast(Entity) Copies the following attributes to this entity: Visible, InstanceVisibilityInfo, Color, ColorMethod, LayerIndex and MaterialName attributes. (inherited from Entity).
Public method Static CreateCircularSlot(devDept.Geometry.Plane, double, double, double) Creates a composite curve with the shape of a circular slot by plane.
Public method Static CreateCircularSlot(devDept.Geometry.Plane, double, double, double, double) Creates a composite curve with the shape of a circular slot by plane, position and start angle.
Public method Static CreateCircularSlot(devDept.Geometry.Plane, double, double, double, double, double) Creates a composite curve with the shape of a circular slot by plane and position constructor.
Public method Static CreateCircularSlot(devDept.Geometry.Plane, double, double, double, double, double, double) Creates a composite curve with the shape of a circular slot by plane, position and start angle.
Public method Static CreateCircularSlot(double, double, double) Creates a composite curve with the shape of a circular slot.
Public method Static CreateCircularSlot(double, double, double, double) Creates a composite curve with the shape of a circular slot by start angle.
Public method Static CreateCircularSlot(double, double, double, double, double) Creates a composite curve with the shape of a circular slot by position constructor.
Public method Static CreateCircularSlot(double, double, double, double, double, double) Creates a composite curve with the shape of a circular slot by position and start angle.
Public method Static CreateHexagon(devDept.Geometry.Plane, double, double, double, double, bool) Creates an hexagonal composite curve by plane and position.
Public method Static CreateHexagon(double, bool) Creates an hexagonal composite curve.
Public method Static CreateHexagon(double, double, double, double, bool) Creates an hexagonal composite curve by position.
Public method Static CreateRectangle(devDept.Geometry.Plane, double, double, bool) Creates a rectangular composite curve by plane.
Public method Static CreateRectangle(devDept.Geometry.Plane, double, double, double, double, double, bool) Creates a rectangular composite curve by plane and position.
Public method Static CreateRectangle(double, double, bool) Creates a rectangular composite curve.
Public method Static CreateRectangle(double, double, double, double, double, bool) Creates a rectangular composite curve by position.
Public method Static CreateRoundedRectangle(devDept.Geometry.Plane, double, double, double, bool) Creates a rounded rectangular composite curve by plane.
Public method Static CreateRoundedRectangle(devDept.Geometry.Plane, double, double, double, double, double, double, bool) Creates a rounded rectangular composite curve by plane and position.
Public method Static CreateRoundedRectangle(double, double, double, bool) Creates a rounded rectangular composite curve.
Public method Static CreateRoundedRectangle(double, double, double, double, double, double, bool) Creates a rounded rectangular composite curve by position.
Public method Static CreateSlot(devDept.Geometry.Plane, double, double, bool) Creates a composite curve with the shape of a slot by plane.
Public method Static CreateSlot(devDept.Geometry.Plane, double, double, double, double, double, bool) Creates a composite curve with the shape of a slot by plane and position.
Public method Static CreateSlot(double, double, bool) Creates a composite curve with the shape of a slot.
Public method Static CreateSlot(double, double, double, double, double, bool) Creates a composite curve with the shape of a slot by position.
Public method Dispose() Cleans up graphics resources, like display lists, textures, etc. (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method Draw(DrawParams) Draws the entity. (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method DrawDirection(DrawDirectionParams) Draws a small arrow to show the entity direction if DrawCurveDirection is true. (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method DrawEdges(DrawParams) Draws the entity's edges. (inherited from Entity).
Protected method DrawEntity(RenderContextBase, object) Internal method that draws the entity. (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method DrawFast(DrawParams) Draws the entity in fast inaccurate transparency mode. (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method DrawFlat(DrawParams) Draws entity in displayType.Flat DisplayMode. (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method DrawFlatFast(DrawParams) Draws the entity in flat and fast inaccurate transparency mode. (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method DrawFlatSelected(DrawParams) Draws entity selected in displayType.Flat DisplayMode. (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method DrawForSelection(GfxDrawForSelectionParams) Draws the entity without specifing any color. (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method DrawForSelectionEdges(GfxDrawForSelectionParams) Draws the entity edges in false-colors (for some kinds of entities only). (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method DrawForSelectionFaces(GfxDrawForSelectionParams) Draws the entity faces in false-colors (for some kinds of entities only). (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method DrawForSelectionVertices(GfxDrawForSelectionParams) Draws the entity vertices in false-colors (for some kinds of entities only). (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method DrawForSelectionWireframe(GfxDrawForSelectionParams) Draws entity as wires without specifing any color. (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method DrawForShadow(RenderParams) Draws the entity planar shadow. (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method DrawHiddenLines(DrawParams) Draw the entity in the displayType.HiddenLines display mode. (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method DrawHiddenLinesFast(DrawParams) Draw the entity in the displayType.HiddenLines display mode in fast inaccurate transparency mode. (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method DrawHiddenLinesMaterial(RenderParams) (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method DrawHiddenLinesMaterialFast(RenderParams) (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method DrawIsocurves(DrawParams) Draws the entity iso curves. For Mesh entities this method draws internal wires. (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method DrawIsocurvesForFlat(DrawParams) Draws the isocurves in Flat display mode. (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method DrawNormals(DrawParams) Draws entity's normal vectors. (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method DrawOnScreen(DrawOnScreenParams) Draws extra things on screen, like the vertex indices (if Viewport.ShowVertexIndices is true).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method DrawOnScreen(DrawOnScreenParams, int) Draws extra things on screen, like the vertex indices (if Viewport.ShowVertexIndices is true).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method DrawOnScreenWireframe(DrawOnScreenWireframeParams) Draws extra things on screen, like the vertex Numbers (if Viewport.ShowVertexIndices is true) in wireframe display mode.
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method DrawOnScreenWireframe(DrawOnScreenWireframeParams, int) Draws extra things on screen, like the vertex Numbers (if Viewport.ShowVertexIndices is true) in wireframe dispaly mode.
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method DrawSelected(DrawParams) Draws entity selected. (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method DrawSelectedVertices(DrawParams) Draws the entity selected vertices. (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method DrawSilhouettes(DrawSilhouettesParams) Draws Silhouettes. (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method DrawVertices(DrawParams) Draws entity's vertices. (inherited from Entity).
Protected method DrawWire(DrawParams) Draws a wireframe entity, resolving the LineTypeName for LineTypeMethod colorMethodType.byParent. (inherited from Entity).
Protected method DrawWireEntity(RenderContextBase, object) Draws the Wireframe entity. (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method DrawWireframe(DrawParams) Draws entity as wires. (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method DrawWireframeSelected(DrawParams) Draws entity as selected wires. (inherited from Entity).
Protected method DrawWithPattern(RenderContextBase, object) (inherited from Entity).
Public method Dump() Returns a description of this entity. (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Public method Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (inherited from Object).
Public method EstimateBoundingBox(BlockKeyedCollection, LayerKeyedCollection) Returns a small set of points that gives an idea of the entity bounding box. (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Protected method EvaluateIntersectEdges(FrustumParams) Tells if must evaluate the intersection of the edges with the frustum. (inherited from Entity).
Protected method EvaluateIntersectTriangles(FrustumParams) Tells if must evaluate the intersection of the triangles with the frustum. (inherited from Entity).
Public method Explode(bool) Returns the list of curves as array of entities. (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Public method ExtrudeAsBrep(Line, double)
Public method ExtrudeAsBrep(Vector3D, double, double)
Public method ExtrudeAsBrep(double, double, double, double)
Public method ExtrudeAsMesh(Vector3D, double, natureType)
Public method ExtrudeAsMesh(double, double, double, double, natureType)
Public method ExtrudeAsMesh<T>(Vector3D, double, natureType)
Public method ExtrudeAsMesh<T>(double, double, double, double, natureType)
Public method ExtrudeAsSolid(Vector3D, double)
Public method ExtrudeAsSolid(double, double, double, double)
Public method ExtrudeAsSurface(Line)
Public method ExtrudeAsSurface(Vector3D)
Public method ExtrudeAsSurface(Vector3D, double, double)
Public method ExtrudeAsSurface(double, double, double)
Protected method Finalize Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (inherited from Object).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method FindClosestTriangle(Transformation, Segment3D, IList<Point3D>, IList<IndexTriangle>, int, int, int, SortedList<DoubleHitTriangle>) Finds the triangles intersecting the seg segment and puts them in the triList.
Protected method FindClosestTriangle(Transformation, Segment3D, float[], int[], int, int, int, SortedList<DoubleHitTriangle>) Finds the closest triangle using float arrays for vertices and int arrays for triangles.
Protected method Static FrustumEdgesTriangleIntersection(Segment3D[], Point3D, Point3D, Point3D) (inherited from Entity).
Public method GetBb(out Point3D, out Point3D) (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Protected method Static GetClosestMainAxis(Vector3D) (inherited from Entity).
Public method GetHashCode Serves as the default hash function. (inherited from Object).
Public method GetIndividualCurves() (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Public method GetLengthFromParam(double, out double) (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Protected method GetNormalLength() Gets the entity normal length. (inherited from Entity).
Public method GetNurbsForm() (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Public method GetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) Populates a SerializationInfo instance with the data needed to serialize the target object. (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Protected method Static GetOffsetDistance(Vector3D, Vector3D, double) Computes the offset distance for the extrude with draft angle methods. (inherited from Entity).
Public method GetParamFromLength(double, double, out double)
Public method GetParamFromLength(double, out double)
Public method GetPointsByLength(double) Subdivides the curve by the distance provided. (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Public method GetPointsByLengthPerSegment(double) Subdivides each segment of the curve by the distance provided. (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Public method GetPointsForBb() (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Public method GetSelectability(Stack<BlockReference>) Gets the entity selectability status. (inherited from Entity).
Public method GetSelection(Stack<BlockReference>) Gets the entity selection status. (inherited from Entity).
Public method GetType Gets the Type of the current instance. (inherited from Object).
Public method GetVisibility(Stack<BlockReference>) Gets the entity visibility status. (inherited from Entity).
Protected method GetXAttributes(bool) For internal use only. (inherited from Entity).
Public method GetXElement(bool) For internal use only. (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Protected method InitGraphicsData() Initialize the graphics data. (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method Static InsideFrustumPoint(PlaneEquation[], Transformation, IList<Point3D>, int) (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method InsideOrCrossingFrustum(FrustumParams) (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method Static InsideOrCrossingFrustumInternal(PlaneEquation[], Transformation, IList<Point3D>, int, int) (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method InsideOrCrossingScreenPolygon(ScreenPolygonParams) (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method Static InsideOrCrossingScreenPolygonInternal(ScreenPolygonParams, IList<Point3D>, int, int) (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method Static InsideOrCrossingScreenPolygonPoint(ScreenPolygonParams, IList<Point3D>, int) (inherited from Entity).
Public method IntersectWith(ICurve) (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Public method Static IntersectionCircleCircle(Circle, Circle, devDept.Geometry.Plane, out Point3D, out Point3D) Finds the intersection between two Arc/Circle entities. (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Public method Static IntersectionCircleCircle3D(Circle, Circle, out Point3D, out Point3D) Finds the intersection between two Arc/Circle entities. (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Public method Static IntersectionLineCircle(Line, Circle, devDept.Geometry.Plane, bool, out Point3D, out Point3D) Finds the intersection between an Arc/Circle and a Line entity.
Public method Static IntersectionLineCircle(Line, Circle, devDept.Geometry.Plane, out Point3D, out Point3D) Finds the intersection between an Arc/Circle and a Line entity.
Public method Static IntersectionLineCircle3D(Line, Circle, out Point3D, out Point3D) Finds the intersection between an Arc/Circle and a Line entity. (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Public method Static IntersectionLineLine(ICurve, ICurve, devDept.Geometry.Plane, out Point3D) Finds the intersection between two coplanar Line entities
Public method Static IntersectionLineLine(ICurve, ICurve, out Point3D) Finds the intersection between two Line entities
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method Intersects(Entity, bool, Transformation, Transformation) Checks if two entity intersect geometrically (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method Intersects2D(Entity, bool, Transformation, Transformation) Checks if two 2D entity intersect geometrically on Plane XY (inherited from Entity).
Public method IsAnyInstanceSelectable() Tells if there is at least an instance selectable. (inherited from Entity).
Public method IsAnyInstanceSelected() Tells if there is at least an instance selected. (inherited from Entity).
Public method IsAnyInstanceVisible() Tells if there is at least an instance visible. (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method IsCrossing(FrustumParams) Tells if the entity is inside or crossing the given planes and edges. (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method IsCrossingScreenPolygon(ScreenPolygonParams) Tells if an entity is fully or partially contained inside a polygon defined in screen coordinates. (inherited from Entity).
Public method IsInFrustum(FrustumParams) Tells if the entity is inside the frustum planes.
Public method IsInFrustum(FrustumParams, Point3D, double) Tells if the sphere surrounding the entity is inside the frustum planes.
Public method IsInPlane(devDept.Geometry.Plane, double) (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Public method IsLinear(double, out Segment3D) (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Public method IsOrientedClockwise(devDept.Geometry.Plane) Checks if the closed composite curve orientation is clockwise. (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Public method IsPlanar(double, out devDept.Geometry.Plane) Checks if the curve is planar. (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Public method IsSelected(Stack<BlockReference>) Obsolete. Tells if the instance referred by the stack of parents is selected. (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method IsSmall(IsSmallParams) Checks if an entity is small and can be skipped during the drawing.
Public method IsSmall(int) Tells if the entity screen size is smaller than Environment.SmallSize.
Public method IsValid() Returns true if all the entity fields contain reasonable information. (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method IsVisible(LayerKeyedCollection, attributeReferenceVisibilityType) Check if the entity is visible for the selection. (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method IsVisibleAndInFrustum(Stack<BlockReference>, LayerKeyedCollection, attributeReferenceVisibilityType) Check if the entity is visible. (inherited from Entity).
Public method Length() (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Protected method MemberwiseClone Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (inherited from Object).
Public method MoreOfTwoSegmentsIncidentOnTheSameEndpoint(double) Check if the curve have more of two segments incident on the same endpoint. (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Public method NormalAt(double) (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Public method Offset(double, Vector3D, double, bool)
Public method Offset(double, bool)
Public method OffsetToRegion(double, double, bool) (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Public method PointAt(double) (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Public method Project(Point3D, out double) (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method Static PropagateAttributes(Entity, Entity, bool) Propagates the attributes to the entity passed as parameter. (inherited from Entity).
Public method Regen(RegenParams) This method is used for several purposes. For example in arcs and circles is used to generate the curve's linear approximation, in meshes to compute normals and edges and in Nurbs surfaces to generate the triangulation.
Public method Regen(double) Computes the curve or surface tessellation. (inherited from Entity).
Public method RegenNoChanges(double) Computes an array of vertices according to the desired chordal error, without changing the entity's Vertices and RegenMode. (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method Render(RenderParams) Renders the entity. (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method RenderFast(RenderParams) Renders the entity in fast inaccurate transparency mode. (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method ResetIsSmallArray() Resets the array of IsSmall flags. (inherited from Entity).
Public method Reverse() (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Public method RevolveAsBrep(double, double, Line, double)
Public method RevolveAsBrep(double, double, Vector3D, Point3D, double)
Public method RevolveAsMesh(double, double, Point3D, Point3D, int, double, natureType) (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Public method RevolveAsMesh<T>(double, double, Point3D, Point3D, int, double, natureType) (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Public method RevolveAsSolid(double, double, Vector3D, Point3D, int, double) (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Public method RevolveAsSurface(double, double, Line)
Public method RevolveAsSurface(double, double, Vector3D, Point3D)
Public method Rotate(double, Vector3D, Point3D) Rotates the entity around an arbitray axis by the specified angle.
Public method Scale(Point3D, double, double, double) Scales the entity of the specified scale factor.
Public method Scale(Point3D, double) Scales the entity of the specified scale factor.
Public method Scale(Vector3D) Scales the entity of the specified scale factor.
Public method Scale(double) Scales the entity of the specified scale factor.
Public method Scale(double, double, double) Scales the entity of the specified scale factor.
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method SelectedInternal() Tells if the entity has internal parts selected (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method Static SetEntityColorForFace(DrawParams, Color) Sets the entity color or material depending on the color mode. (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method Static SetEntityColorForSelection(DrawParams) Sets the entity color or material depending on the color mode. (inherited from Entity).
Public method SetLineWeight(RenderContextBase, float) Line weight changer. (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method SetLineWeightForEdges(DrawEdgesParams) (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method SetLineWeightForSilhouettes(DrawSilhouettesParams) (inherited from Entity).
Public method SetSelectability(bool, Stack<BlockReference>) Sets the entity selectability status. (inherited from Entity).
Public method SetSelection(bool, Stack<BlockReference>) Sets the entity selection status. (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method Static SetSelectionColorForSelection(DrawParams) Sets the selection color or material depending on the color mode. (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method SetShader(DrawParams) Sets a Shader before drawing the entity. (inherited from Entity).
Public method SetVisibility(bool, Stack<BlockReference>) Sets the entity visibility status. (inherited from Entity).
Public method SortAndOrient() Sorts and orients internal curves. Closure tolerance is estimated automatically using composite curve extents.
Public method SortAndOrient(double) Sorts and orients internal curves.
Public method SplitAt(double, out ICurve, out ICurve) (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Public method SplitAtDiscontinuities(bool) Splits the composite curve at derivative discontinuities (e.g. cusps, kinks) of each segment, returns an array of smooth segments. (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Public method SplitBy(IList<Point3D>, out ICurve[])
Public method SplitBy(Point3D, out ICurve, out ICurve)
Public method SubCurve(Point3D, Point3D, out ICurve)
Public method SubCurve(double, double, out ICurve)
Public method SweepAsBrep(ICurve, double, sweepMethodType)
Public method SweepAsBrep(ICurve, double, bool, sweepMethodType)
Public method SweepAsMesh(ICurve, double, sweepMethodType, natureType)
Public method SweepAsMesh(ICurve, double, bool, sweepMethodType, natureType)
Public method SweepAsMesh<T>(ICurve, double, sweepMethodType, natureType)
Public method SweepAsMesh<T>(ICurve, double, bool, sweepMethodType, natureType)
Public method SweepAsSolid(ICurve, double, sweepMethodType)
Public method SweepAsSolid(ICurve, double, bool, sweepMethodType)
Public method SweepAsSurface(ICurve, double, sweepMethodType) (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Public method TangentAt(double) (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method ThroughTriangle(FrustumParams) (inherited from Entity).
Public method Static ThroughTriangleQuad(FrustumParams, IList<Point3D>) Tells if the quad defined by the vertices is inside the selection area defined by the edge list. (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method ThroughTriangleScreenPolygon(ScreenPolygonParams)
Protected method Static ThroughTriangleScreenPolygon(Point3D, Point3D, Point3D, ScreenPolygonParams) Checks whether a triangle intersects or is inside a 2D screen polygon.
Public method Static ThroughTriangleScreenPolygonQuad(IList<Point3D>, ScreenPolygonParams) Tells if the quad defined by the vertices is inside the selection area defined by the screen polygon. (inherited from Entity).
Public method ToString Returns a string that represents the current object. (inherited from Object).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method TransformAllVertices(Transformation, bool, bool) (inherited from Entity).
Public method TransformBy(Transformation) Transforms all the entity's vertices by the specified transformation. (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Public method Translate(double, double, double) Translates the entity.
Public method Translate(Vector3D) Translates the entity.
Public method TrimAt(double, bool) (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Public method TrimBy(Point3D, bool) (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Public method UpdateBoundingBox(TraversalParams) Updates the entity's bounding box. (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method UpdateBoundingBoxSphere() (inherited from Entity).
Public method UpdateOrientedBoundingBox(TraversalParams) Updates the entity's oriented bounding box or build it if not present.
Public method UpdateOrientedBoundingBox(TraversalParams, bool) Updates the entity's oriented bounding box or build it if not present.
Protected method WriteObjAsLines(ref int, TextWriter, ref int, ref int, ref int, TextWriter, LayerKeyedCollection, string, MaterialKeyedCollection, double, double, BlockKeyedCollection) Write in Obj file format as set of lines connecting vertices. (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method WriteUsemtl(int, TextWriter, TextWriter, LayerKeyedCollection)
Protected method WriteUsemtl(string, TextWriter)
Public method WriteXml(XmlTextWriter) (inherited from CompositeCurve).
Name Description
Protected field _localOB (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) field drawData Default graphics data. (inherited from Entity).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) field drawPattern Graphics data for line pattern. (inherited from Entity).

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.5, 4.6, 4.7

In this article
