devDept.Geometry.Entities Namespace

Provides classes for Eyeshot entities.
Name Description
Public class GArc Arc entity.
Public class GBrep

BRep solid entity definition. A manifold solid B-rep is a finite, arcwise connected volume bounded by one or more gSurfaces, each of which is a connected, oriented, finite, closed 2-manifold. There is no restriction on the genus of the volume, nor on the number of voids within the volume.

The Boundary Representation (B-rep) of a manifold solid utilizes a graph of edges and vertices embedded in a connected, oriented, finite, closed two manifold gSurface. The embedded graph divides the gSurface into arcwise connected areas known as faces. The edges and vertices, therefore, form the boundaries of the face and the domain of a face does not include its boundaries. The embedded graph may be disconnected and may be a pseudo graph. The graph is labeled; that is, each entity in the graph has a unique identity. The geometric gSurface definition used to specify the geometry of a face shall be 2-manifold embeddable in the plane within the domain of the face. In other words, it shall be connected, oriented, finite, non-self-intersecting, and of gSurface genus 0.

Faces do not intersect except along their boundaries. Each edge along the boundary of a face is shared by at most one other face in the assemblage. The assemblage of edges in the B-rep do not intersect except at their boundaries (i.e., vertices). The geometry igCurve definition used to specify the geometry of an edge shall be arcwise connected and shall not self intersect or overlap within the domain of the edge. The geometry of an edge shall be consistent with the geometry of the faces of which it forms a partial bound. The geometry used to define a vertex shall be consistent with the geometry of the faces and edges of which it forms a partial bound.

A B-rep is represented by one or more closed shells which shall be disjoint. One shell, the outer, shall completely enclose all the other shells and no other shell may enclose a shell.

Public class GCircle GCircle entity.
Public class GCompositeCurve Composite igCurve definition.
Public class GConicalSurface Conical gSurface definition.
Public class GCurve Nurbs curve entity.
Public class GCylindricalSurface Cylindrical gSurface definition.
Public class GEllipse GEllipse entity.
Public class GEllipticalArc Elliptical arc entity.
Public class GEntity Base class for all Eyeshot entities.
Public class GLine GLine entity.
Public class GLinearPath Linear path entity (piecewise linear igCurve).
Public class GMesh

A triangle mesh is a type of polygon mesh in computer graphics. It comprises a set of triangles (typically in three dimensions) that are connected by their common edges or corners.

Depending on the types of vertices and triangles, it can assume different configurations, see table below.

Triangles type / Vertices type Point3D PointRGB
IndexTriangle Plain1MulticolorPlain
SmoothTriangle Smooth1MulticolorSmooth
ColorTriangle ColorPlain
ColorSmoothTriangle ColorSmooth
RichTriangle RichPlain
RichSmoothTriangle RichSmooth

1 Allows transparency to be used

Public class GNurbsBase
Public class GPlanarEntity Base class for all planar entities.
Public class GPlanarSurface Planar gSurface definition. Adds the Plane property to standard gSurface.
Public class GPoint GPoint entity.
Public class GPointCloud

GPoint cloud entity. Depending on the types of vertices can assume different configurations, see table below:

Point3D PointRGB

Public class GQuad Quadrangular face entity.
Public class GRegion GRegion entity definition. By convention the first contour in the list is the outer and has counterclockwise orientation. Inners are oriented clockwise.
Public class GRevolvedSurface GSurface of revolution definition, created by rotating the generatrix about the axis of rotation.
Public class GSolid This class represents the base class for 3D primitives.
Public class GSphericalSurface Spherical gSurface definition.
Public class GSurface Nurbs gSurface entity.
Public class GTabulatedSurface Tabulated gSurface definition, formed by moving a line segment called the generatrix parallel to itself along a igCurve called the directrix.
Public class GToroidalSurface Toroidal gSurface definition.
Public class GTriangle Triangular face entity.
Public class GTrimCurve Trim curve definition (2D parametric).
Public class Static KnotVectorExtender Knot vector definition.
Name Description
Public interface IEvaluable Common properties of igCurve entities.
Public interface IGCurve Common properties of igCurve entities.
Public interface IGFace Common properties of face entities.
Name Description
Public structure HitTriangle GTriangle hit by a ray definition.
Name Description
Public enumeration cornerType Quick offset corner type.
Public enumeration knotVectorType Knot vector style type.
Public enumeration sweepMethodType GSurface sweep type.
Public enumeration torusType Torus type.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.7.2

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