KnotVectorExtender Class

Knot vector definition.
Public Class KnotVectorExtender
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public static class KnotVectorExtender
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Name Description
Public method Static BasisFuns(this double[], int, double, int) Compute the non vanishing basis functions.
Public method Static DersBasisFuns(this double[], int, double, int, int) Compute nonzero basis functions and their derivatives
Public method Equals(Object) (inherited from Object).
Protected method Finalize (inherited from Object).
Public method Static FindSpan(this double[], int, int, double) Determines the knot span index.
Public method Static FindSpanMult(this double[], double, int, out int, out int) Given a double u in the inteval [u_k, u_k+1), finds the index k and the multiplicity s
Public method Static FindSpanMult(this double[], ref double, int, double, out int, out int) Given a double u in the inteval [u_k, u_k+1), finds the index k and the multiplicity s
Public method Static GetFirstSimilarKnotIndex(this double[], int, double, out int, out int) Gets the index of the first similar knot vector (within prescribed tolerance).
Public method GetHashCode (inherited from Object).
Public method Static GetStyle(this double[], int, int) Gets the knot vector style.
Public method GetType (inherited from Object).
Public method Static IsClamped(this double[], int, int) Checks if the knot vector is clamped.
Public method Static IsClamped(this double[], int, int, out bool, out bool) Checks if the knot vector is clamped.
Public method Static IsValid(this double[], int) Checks knot vector for incorrect multiplicity and monotonicity. The knot vector is considered valid even if it doesn't have p+1 equal knots at the beginning and at the end. (UNclamped igCurve)
Public method Static IsValid(this double[], int, int) Checks knot vector for incorrect multiplicity and monotonicity. The knot vector must have p+1 equal knots at the beginning and at the end. (Clamped igCurve)
Public method Static Left(this double[]) First value of this knot vector.
Protected method MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object).
Public method Static MinAcceptableKnotDistance(this double[], int) Computes the minimum acceptable knot distance.
Public method Static Multiplicity(this double[], int) Computes the multiplicity of the spcified knot value.
Public method Static Normalize(this double[]) Normalize the values in the array.
Public method Static Offset(this double[], double) Adds the specifies delta to all the values of the array.
Public method Static OneBasisFun(this double[], int, double, int) Computes the basis function Nip.
Public method Static Reverse(this double[]) Reverts the knot vector.
Public method Static Reverse(this double[], double) Reverts the knot vector.
Public method Static Right(this double[]) Last value of this knot vector.
Public method Static Scale(this double[], double) Scales all the values of the array of the specified scale factor.
Public method Static SpanCount(this double[], int, int) Computes number of non-empty spans
Public method Static Split(this double[], int, int, out int, out double) Split a knot vector at the center, by adding multiplicity k knots near the middle of the parameter range. Tries to start with an existing knot, but will add a new knot value if there's nothing in "the middle" (e.g. a Bezier igCurve).
Public method ToString (inherited from Object).

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.7.2

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