ICurve Interface

Common properties of curve entities.
Public Interface ICurve
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public interface ICurve
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Name Description
Public property Domain Gets curve's domain.
Public property EdgeIndex Gets the associated Brep edge index.
Public property EndPoint Gets curve's end point.
Public property EndTangent Gets the unit tangent vector at the end of the curve.
Public property FromBooleanIntersection For Brep internal usage only.
Public property IsClosed Returns true if the curve is closed.
Public property IsPoint Returns true if the curve is degenerated into a point.
Public property StartPoint Gets curve's start point.
Public property StartTangent Gets the unit tangent vector at the beginning of the curve.
Name Description
Public method ClosestPointTo(Point3D, out double) Returns the parameter of the point on curve that is closest to given 3D point.
Public method ExtrudeAsBrep(Line, double) Extrudes this curve along the specified direction.
Public method ExtrudeAsBrep(Vector3D, double, double) Extrudes this curve along the specified direction with a draft angle.
Public method ExtrudeAsBrep(double, double, double, double) Extrudes this curve along the specified direction.
Public method ExtrudeAsMesh(Vector3D, double, natureType) Extrudes this curve along the specified direction.
Public method ExtrudeAsMesh(double, double, double, double, natureType) Extrudes this curve along the specified direction.
Public method ExtrudeAsMesh<T>(Vector3D, double, natureType) Extrudes this curve along the specified direction.
Public method ExtrudeAsMesh<T>(double, double, double, double, natureType) Extrudes this curve along the specified direction.
Public method ExtrudeAsSolid(Vector3D, double) Extrudes this curve along the specified direction.
Public method ExtrudeAsSolid(double, double, double, double) Extrudes this curve along the specified direction.
Public method ExtrudeAsSurface(Line) Extrudes this curve along the specified direction.
Public method ExtrudeAsSurface(Vector3D) Extrudes this curve along the specified direction.
Public method ExtrudeAsSurface(Vector3D, double, double) Extrudes this curve along the specified direction with a draft angle.
Public method ExtrudeAsSurface(double, double, double) Extrudes this curve along the specified direction.
Public method GetIndividualCurves() Returns an array of the individual curves that form the curve.
Public method GetLengthFromParam(double, out double) Given the parameter along the curve, finds the the length of the subcurve at that parameter.
Public method GetNurbsForm() Gets the Nurbs form of this curve.
Public method GetParamFromLength(double, double, out double) Given the length along the curve, finds the parameter value that corresponds to it.
Public method GetParamFromLength(double, out double) Given the length along the curve, finds the parameter value that corresponds to it.
Public method GetPointsByLength(double) Subdivides the curve by the distance provided.
Public method GetPointsByLengthPerSegment(double) Subdivides the curve by the distance provided, for LinearPaths and CompositeCurves it does it segmentwise.
Public method IntersectWith(ICurve) Finds all 3D points where the curve intersects another given curve.
Public method IsInPlane(Plane, double) Checks if the curve lays on the specified plane.
Public method IsLinear(double, out Segment3D) Checks if the curve is linear.
Public method IsPlanar(double, out Plane) Checks if the curve is planar.
Public method Length() Computes the curve's length.
Public method NormalAt(double) Evaluates the unit normal vector at a parameter.
Public method Offset(double, Vector3D, double, bool) Offsets the curve of the specified amount.
Public method OffsetToRegion(double, double, bool) Offsets the planar curve of the specified amount and builds a Region entity from the two curves.
Public method PointAt(double) Evaluates a point on the curve.
Public method Project(Point3D, out double) Returns the parameter of the closest perpendicular projection of the given 3D point on the curve. If there aren't projections inside the curve, we look for projections on the extensions of the curve. If no projections are found, we return the parameter of the StartPoint and false.
Public method Reverse() Reverses the curve direction.
Public method RevolveAsBrep(double, double, Line, double) Revolves this curve around the specified axis.
Public method RevolveAsBrep(double, double, Point3D, Point3D, double) Revolves this curve around the specified axis.
Public method RevolveAsBrep(double, double, Vector3D, Point3D, double) Revolves this curve around an arbitrary axis.
Public method RevolveAsMesh(double, double, Point3D, Point3D, int, double, natureType) Revolves this curve around an arbitrary axis.
Public method RevolveAsMesh(double, double, Vector3D, Point3D, int, double, natureType) Revolves this curve around an arbitrary axis.
Public method RevolveAsMesh<T>(double, double, Point3D, Point3D, int, double, natureType) Revolves this curve around an arbitrary axis.
Public method RevolveAsMesh<T>(double, double, Vector3D, Point3D, int, double, natureType) Revolves this curve around an arbitrary axis.
Public method RevolveAsSolid(double, double, Point3D, Point3D, int, double) Revolves this curve around an arbitrary axis.
Public method RevolveAsSolid(double, double, Vector3D, Point3D, int, double) Revolves this curve around an arbitrary axis.
Public method RevolveAsSurface(double, double, Line) Revolves this curve around the specified axis.
Public method RevolveAsSurface(double, double, Point3D, Point3D) Revolves this curve around the specified axis.
Public method RevolveAsSurface(double, double, Vector3D, Point3D) Revolves this curve around an arbitrary axis.
Public method SplitAt(double, out ICurve, out ICurve) Splits the curve at the parameter provided.
Public method SplitBy(IList<Point3D>, out ICurve[]) Splits the curve at the 3D point array provided.
Public method SplitBy(Point3D, out ICurve, out ICurve) Splits the curve at the 3D point provided.
Public method SubCurve(Point3D, Point3D, out ICurve) Extracts a sub curve from current one.
Public method SubCurve(double, double, out ICurve) Extracts a sub curve from current one.
Public method SweepAsBrep(ICurve, double, sweepMethodType) Creates a Brep sweeping the contour on the rail.
Public method SweepAsBrep(ICurve, double, bool, sweepMethodType) Creates a Brep sweeping the contour on the rail.
Public method SweepAsMesh(ICurve, double, sweepMethodType, natureType)
Public method SweepAsMesh(ICurve, double, bool, sweepMethodType, natureType)
Public method SweepAsMesh<T>(ICurve, double, sweepMethodType, natureType)
Public method SweepAsMesh<T>(ICurve, double, bool, sweepMethodType, natureType)
Public method SweepAsSolid(ICurve, double, sweepMethodType)
Public method SweepAsSolid(ICurve, double, bool, sweepMethodType)
Public method SweepAsSurface(ICurve, double, sweepMethodType) Sweeps this curve along the provided trajectory.
Public method TangentAt(double) Evaluates the unit tangent vector at a parameter.
Public method TrimAt(double, bool) Trims the curve at the parameter t.
Public method TrimBy(Point3D, bool) Trims the curve at the specified 3D point.
Public method WriteXml(XmlTextWriter) Writes the object in Xml format.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.5, 4.6, 4.7

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