Segment3D Class

Defines a 3D segment.
Public Class Segment3D 
Implements ICloneable
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public class Segment3D : ICloneable
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Name Description
Protected constructor Segment3D(Segment3D)
Public constructor Segment3D() Empty constructor.
Public constructor Segment3D(Point3D, Point3D) Point3D constructor.
Public constructor Segment3D(Vector3D) 3D vector constructor.
Public constructor Segment3D(double, double, double, double, double, double) Individual coordinates constructor.
Name Description
Public property IsPoint If true, the segment is a degenerated one (a point).
Public property Length Gets the 3D segment length.
Public property LengthSquared Gets the 3D segment length squared.
Public property MidPoint Gets the 3D segment middle point.
Name Description
Public method Static AreCollinear(Segment3D, Segment3D) Returns true if the two segments are collinear.
Public method Static AreOverlapping(Segment3D, Segment3D) Returns true if the two segments are overlapping.
Public method Clone() Creates a deep copy of this 3D segment.
Public method ClosestPointTo(Point3D) Finds the point inside the segment that is closest to given point.
Public method ConvertToSurrogate()
Public method Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (inherited from Object).
Public method ExtendTo(Point3D) Extends (if necessary) the segment to the provided 3D point.
Protected method Finalize Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (inherited from Object).
Public method GetHashCode Serves as the default hash function. (inherited from Object).
Public method GetType Gets the Type of the current instance. (inherited from Object).
Public method IntersectWith(Plane, bool, out Point3D) Intersects a 3D segment with a plane.
Public method IntersectWith(Plane, out Point3D) Intersects a 3D segment with a plane.
Public method IntersectWith(PlaneEquation) Intersects the 3D segment with a plane.
Public method IntersectWith(PlaneEquation, bool) Intersects the 3D segment with a plane.
Public method IntersectWith(PlaneEquation, bool, out Point3D) Intersects the 3D segment with a plane.
Public method IntersectWith(PlaneEquation, out Point3D) Intersects the 3D segment with a plane.
Public method IntersectWith(Point3D, Point3D, bool) Intersects the 3D segment with an Axis-Aligned Box.
Public method IntersectWith(Point3D, Point3D, Point3D, bool, out Point3D, out double, out double) Intersects the 3D segment with a triangle.
Public method IntersectWith(Point3D, Point3D, Point3D, out Point3D) Intersects the 3D segment with a triangle.
Public method IntersectWithInternal(PlaneEquation, out Point3D, bool, bool) Intersects the 3D segment with a plane. (For internal use only)
Public method IntersectWithInternal(int[], Point3D, Point3D, Vector3D, double, double) Intersects the 3D segment with an Axis-Aligned Box. (For internal use only)
Public method Static Intersection(Segment3D, Segment3D, bool, out Point3D, out Point3D) Gets the end points of the shortest segment perpendicular to two 3D segments, when it exists and is unique.
Public method Static Intersection(Segment3D, Segment3D, bool, out Point3D, out Point3D, out double, out double) Gets the end points of the shortest segment perpendicular to two 3D segments, when it exists and is unique.
Public method IsInPlane(Plane, double) Checks if the 3D segment lays on the specified plane.
Public method IsOnAxis(Vector3D, Point3D) Returns true if the segment lays on the axis defined by the 3D point center and the direction dir.
Protected method MemberwiseClone Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (inherited from Object).
Public method PointAt(double) Evaluates a point on (infinite) segment.
Public method Project(Point3D) Finds the point on the (infinite) line that is closest to given point.
Public method ToString() Converts this 3D segment to a human readable string.
Name Description
Public field P0 Start point.
Public field P1 End point.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.8

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