Camera Class

35 mm camera definition.
Public Class Camera 
Inherits CameraBase 
Implements ICloneable
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public class Camera : CameraBase
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Name Description
Public property Anaglyph3D Enables the anaglyph 3D visualization.
Public property AngleOfView Gets the Camera vertical angle of view (in degrees).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) property Static DefaultProjectionMode (inherited from CameraBase).
Protected property Static DefaultRotation (inherited from CameraBase).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) property Static DefaultTarget (inherited from CameraBase).
Public property Distance Gets or sets the distance between camera and target point.
Public property Far Gets the far clipping plane position.
Public property FarPlane Gets the far plane of the Camera.
Public property FocalLength Gets or sets the camera focal length in millimeters. Applies only to Perspective projection mode.
Public property Frame Defines the size of the camera film frame (affects the perspective camera).
Public property Location Gets or sets the camera location (eye) point.
Public property ModelViewMatrix Gets or sets the camera ModelView matrix. (inherited from CameraBase).
Public property Near Gets the near clipping plane position.
Public property NearPlane Gets the near plane of the Camera.
Public property NearPlaneDistanceFactor Gets or sets the factor used to compute the near plane from the far plane distance.
Public property ProjectionMatrix Gets or sets the camera Projection matrix. (inherited from CameraBase).
Public property ProjectionMode Gets or sets the camera projection mode.
Public property Rotation 3D rotation.
Protected property Size (inherited from CameraBase).
Public property Target Gets or sets camera aiming point.
Public property ViewNormal Gets the camera view normal. (inherited from CameraBase).
Public property ZoomFactor Gets or sets the current zoom factor. Applies only to Orthographic projection mode.
Internal protected (Protected Friend) property renderContext The render context.
Name Description
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method CheckScreenPointVisibility(RenderContextBase, int, Size, int[], float, float, double, int, int, int, int, out bool) Checks the visibility of the given screen point. (inherited from CameraBase).
Protected method CheckScreenPointVisibility(int, short[], int, int[], float, float, double, int, int, int, int, out bool) Checks the visibility of the given screen point. (inherited from CameraBase).
Public method Clone() Creates a deep copy of this camera.
Public method Static ComputeOffsetOnCameraAxes(Point3D, Point2D, Point2D, Point2D, Point2D) Computes the intersection of the lines passing from the vertex and oriented like the frustum planes with the X and Y axes of the camera.
Public method ConvertToSurrogate()
Public method Dispose() Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. (inherited from CameraBase).
Public method Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (inherited from Object).
Protected method Finalize Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (inherited from Object).
Public method GetFocalLengthFromFieldOfView(double) Gets the focal length from a vertical field of view.
Public method Static GetFocalLengthFromFieldOfView(double, Size2D) Gets the focal length from the vertical field of view and the camera film frame.
Public method GetFrame(out Point3D, out Vector3D, out Vector3D, out Vector3D) Returns the current camera frame. (inherited from CameraBase).
Public method GetHashCode Serves as the default hash function. (inherited from Object).
Public method GetModelViewProjectionMatrix(bool) Gets the current modelview projection matrix. (inherited from CameraBase).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method GetOffsetForSelection() Gets the offset applied to the camera planes for the drawing of the selected entities.
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method GetProjectionMatrix(double, double, CameraEyePosType) Gets the projection matrix.
Public method GetType Gets the Type of the current instance. (inherited from Object).
Public method InvalidateZRange(bool) Tells if the z-range of the camera is valid. (inherited from CameraBase).
Public method Static IsInFrustum(Point3D, PlaneEquation[]) Checks whether a point is inside the given frustum planes.
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method Static LookAt(Point3D, Point3D, Vector3D, bool) Aims the camera.
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method Static LookAtInternal(Point3D, Point3D, Vector3D, Vector3D) (inherited from CameraBase).
Protected method MemberwiseClone Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (inherited from Object).
Public method Move(double, double, double) Moves the camera along the axes of its own coordinate system.
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method Project(RenderContextBase, int[], double, double, double, out double, out double, out double) Maps world coordinates to screen coordinates. (inherited from CameraBase).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method Static Project(RenderContextBase, double[], int[], double, double, double, out double, out double, out double) Maps world coordinates to screen coordinates. (inherited from CameraBase).
Protected method Static Project2D(double[], int[], double, double, double, out double, out double) Maps world coordinates to screen coordinates. (inherited from CameraBase).
Public method ProjectToCameraPlane(Point3D[]) Projects a list of points to the camera plane.
Protected method ReadViewportZBufferRange(RenderContextBase, ref double, ref double, bool, int, int) (inherited from CameraBase).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method ReadViewportZBufferRange(RenderContextBase, Point, bool, int, int, int, int) (inherited from CameraBase).
Public method RemoveSceneTransformation()
Public method ScreenToPlane(IList<Point>, PlaneEquation, int, int[]) Maps screen coordinates to world coordinates.
Public method ScreenToPlane(Point, Plane, int, int[], out Point3D) Maps screen coordinates to world coordinates.
Public method ScreenToPlane(Point, PlaneEquation, int, int[], out Point3D) Maps screen coordinates to world coordinates.
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method SetupModelView(bool, bool, CameraEyePosType, bool) Gives a chance to derived classes to setup camera by two points and a vector.
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method SetupModelViewProjection(RectangleF, bool, bool, bool, CameraEyePosType, bool)
Public method Tilt(Vector3D) Tilts the camera
Public method ToString Returns a string that represents the current object. (inherited from Object).
Protected method UnProject(RenderContextBase, int[], double[], double[], double, double, double) (inherited from CameraBase).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method UnProject(RenderContextBase, int[], double, double, double) (inherited from CameraBase).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method UnProject(RenderContextBase, int[], double, double, double, out double, out double, out double) (inherited from CameraBase).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method UnProject(RenderContextBase, int[], double[], double[], double, double, double, out double, out double, out double) (inherited from CameraBase).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method Static UnProject(RenderContextBase, int[], double[], double, double, double) (inherited from CameraBase).
Public method UpdateLocation() Updates the camera location.
Public method UpdateMatrices() Updates the camera matrices, for WorldToScreen and ScreenToWorld purposes.
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method UpdateZBufferRange(RenderContextBase, Point, int, int, int, int) (inherited from CameraBase).
Public method WorldToScreen(Point3D, int[]) Maps world coordinates to screen mouse coordinates.
Public method WorldToScreen(double, double, double, int[]) Maps world coordinates to screen mouse coordinates.
Public method WorldToScreen(IList<Point3D>, int[]) Maps world coordinates to screen coordinates.
Public method Static myOrtho(RenderContextBase, double, double, double, double, double, double) (inherited from CameraBase).
Public method myPerspective(RenderContextBase, double, double, double, double) (inherited from CameraBase).
Name Description
Public enumeration navigationType Camera navigation modes.
Public enumeration perspectiveFitType Perspective fit type.
Name Description
Protected field ZBufferData (inherited from CameraBase).
Protected field cameraDistance (inherited from CameraBase).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) field cameraFar (inherited from CameraBase).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) field cameraLocation (inherited from CameraBase).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) field cameraNear (inherited from CameraBase).
Internal protected (Protected Friend) field cameraProjection (inherited from CameraBase).
Protected field cameraRotation (inherited from CameraBase).
Protected field cameraTarget (inherited from CameraBase).
Protected field sceneTransformation (inherited from CameraBase).
Protected field sceneTransformationInverted (inherited from CameraBase).
Protected field upVector (inherited from CameraBase).
Protected field viewportPosition (inherited from CameraBase).

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.8

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