devDept.Graphics Namespace

Provides classes for 3D graphics abstraction layer.
Name Description
Public class BackfaceSettings Backface settings.
Public class BackgroundSettings Viewport background settings.
Public class CameraBase Base Class for Camera
Public class ClippingPlaneBase Clipping plane base definition.
Public class ControlData Class that holds data of the Eyeshot control needed by the RenderContextBase class.
Public class EntityGraphicsData Class that holds the compiled graphics data.
Public class Static ExtensionMethodsGL Extension methods class for drawing points in OpenGL.
Public class FrustumData Frustum data class for shadow map computation.
Public class GLShader Base shader class.
Public class GfxEnvironmentParams Base class with graphics environment data.
Public class GfxSilhoData Base class with the data to draw silhouettes.
Public class GraphicsException An exception thrown by Eyeshot.
Public class HqrData Class that holds data for high quality rendering features.
Public class KeyChangedEventArgs EventArgs to notify the new key for a IKeyedCollectionItem<T>.
Public class LightSettings Directional light definition.
Public class Material Material definition.
Public class OGLEntityBuffer OpenGL VBO buffer class.
Public class OGLEnvironment Environment mapping data class.
Public class OGLTexture Base class to load 2D textures.
Public class OGLTexture1D Base class to load 1D textures.
Public class OGLTextureBase Base utility class to load textures.
Public class OglRenderContext OpenGL render context class.
Public class PlanarShadowBase Base abstract class for planar shadows.
Public class ReflectionShaderParameters Class for shader parameters.
Public class RenderContextBase Render context base class.
Public class RenderContextUtility Class that provide utility methods for the render context.
Public class ShaderParameters Base class for shader parameters.
Public class ShaderParametersBase Base class for shader parameters.
Public class ShadowMapData Class for shadow map data.
Public class SilhoVertexArrayData
Public class TextureBase Base utility class to load textures.
Public class TextureMosaic Single Texture that holds more images.
Public class UIRoutedEventArgs For internal use only.
Public class VBOParams Class that holds the parameters for VBO with normals and colors.
Public class VBOParamsBase Base Class that holds the parameters for VBO.
Public class VBOParamsTexture Class that holds the parameters for VBO with normals and texture coordinates.
Public class ZBuffer Class that holds ZBuffer related data.
Name Description
Public interface IEnvironment Interface for the environment mapping reflections.
Public interface IKeyedCollectionDisposableItem<T> Interface for the Eyeshot keyed collection with disposable items.
Public interface IKeyedCollectionItem<T> Interface for the Eyeshot keyed collection.
Public interface INotifyKeyChanged Interface for IKeyedCollectionItem<T> to preserve the collection integrity when the key changes.
Public interface IShader Shaders common methods.
Public interface IShaderTechnique Defines the Vertex, Pixel and Geometry shader that constitute the shader technique.
Public interface IViewport Viewport coordinates conversion methods.
Name Description
Public delegate DrawEntityCallBack Delegate of method that draws the entity.
Public delegate DrawForShadowMapDelegate Delegate of method that draws the entities fro the ShadowMap.
Public delegate KeyChangedEventHandler The delegate for the INotifyKeyChanged.KeyChanged event.
Public delegate UIRoutedEventHandler For internal use only.
Name Description
Public enumeration antialiasingSamplesNumberType Number of antialiasing samples.
Public enumeration backfaceColorMethodType Backface color type.
Public enumeration backgroundStyleType Viewport background style type.
Public enumeration blendStateBlendFactorType The blend factor type.
Public enumeration blendStateType The blend state type.
Public enumeration colorMaskFlags Color mask type.
Public enumeration colorMaterialType The color material type.
Public enumeration colorThemeType Color theme for UI elements.
Public enumeration depthFuncType The depth test function.
Public enumeration depthStencilStateType The depth and stencil state type.
Public enumeration elementType 2D finite element method type.
Public enumeration lightType Light type.
Public enumeration multiColorType Multicolor enum type.
Public enumeration orientationType Viewport orientation type.
Public enumeration primitiveType Drawing primitive type.
Public enumeration projectionType Camera projection type.
Public enumeration rasterizerClockWiseType The rasterizer clockwise type.
Public enumeration rasterizerCullFaceType The rasterizer cull face type.
Public enumeration rasterizerPolygonDrawingType The rasterizer polygon drawing type.
Public enumeration rasterizerPolygonOffsetType The rasterizer polygon offset type.
Public enumeration rasterizerStateType The rasterizer state type.
Public enumeration realisticShadowQualityType Realistic shadow quality.
Public enumeration shaderPrimitiveType Shader primitive type.
Public enumeration shaderType Shader types definitions.
Public enumeration shadowType Shadow type.
Public enumeration stateEnableType A generic enable type.
Public enumeration stencilFuncMaskType The mask used in the stencil test.
Public enumeration stencilFuncType The type of stencil function.
Public enumeration stencilOpActionType The stencil operation test action.
Public enumeration textureEnvironmentType Texture environment type.
Public enumeration textureFilteringFunctionType The texture filtering function is used whenever the pixel being textured maps to an area greater (minifying function) or smaller (magnifying function) than one texture element. There are six defined filtering functions. Two of them use the nearest one or nearest four texture elements to compute the texture value. The other four use mipmaps.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.8

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