RenderContextBase Class

Render context base class.
Public MustInherit Class RenderContextBase 
Implements IDisposable
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public abstract class RenderContextBase : IDisposable
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Name Description
Public property ActiveLights Currently active lights.
Public property ColorMaterialMode Gets or sets the color material mode.
Public property CurrentBackMaterial Gets or sets the current material for the back faces.
Public property CurrentBlendState Gets the current blend state.
Public property CurrentColorMask The current color mask that determines the color components written in the render buffer.
Public property CurrentDepthStencilState Gets the current depth stencil state.
Public property CurrentEnvironmentMap Gets the environment texture.
Public property CurrentLineWidth Gets the current line width (in pixels).
Public property CurrentMaterial Gets or sets the current material.
Public property CurrentPointSize Gets the current point size (in pixels).
Public property CurrentRasterizerState Gets the current rasterizer state.
Public property CurrentShader Gets the current shader.
Public property CurrentShaderTechnique
Public property CurrentWireColor Gets or sets the current color for wireframe entities.
Public property EnvironmentSupported Gets a values indicating whether the Environment is supported.
Public property FrontFaceCW Gets or sets a value telling if the current front faces are oriented clockwise.
Public property Static GraphicalIssues Gets a list of graphical issues on the machine's adapter.
Public property GraphicsDataWithError Gets or sets the EntityGraphicsData that caused error during the drawing.
Public property Static IdentityMatrix Gets the Identity matrix as a float array.
Public property Static IdentityMatrixDouble Gets the Identity matrix as a double array.
Public property IsDirect3D Tells if the graphics system is using the Direct3D renderer.
Public property IsDrawingForDepth Tells if the scene is being drawn for depth.
Public property MultitexturingSupported Gets a values indicating whether the multitexturing is supported.
Public property NumberOfSplits Gets the number of splits used in the parallel split shadowmapping algorithm.
Public property ReflectionsSupported Tells if the planar reflections are supported by the graphics system.
Public property RendererName Gets the name of the renderer. This name is typically specific to a particular configuration of a hardware platform. It does not change from release to release.
Public property RendererVersion Gets the renderer version.
Public property ShadersSupported
Public property SupportShadows Tells if the rendering context supports the dynamic shadows.
Public property TextureNonPowerOfTwo Tells if the render context supports non power of two textures.
Public property VendorName
Internal protected (Protected Friend) property gl Gets the instance to the OpenGL class.
Name Description
Public method BeginCaptureZBufferOnce() Avoids multiple reading of the whole ZBuffer texture in Direct3D when reading different pick box sizes.
Public method BeginDraw()
Public method BeginDrawForDepth()
Public method BeginDrawForSelection()
Public method BeginDrawMulticolorWithAmbientAndDiffuse(ShaderParameters)
Public method BeginReadDepthValues(Size, out int) Initializes a depth read operation.
Public method CheckErrorDEBUG(string)
Public method CheckOutOfMemory() Tells if the graphics system is in out of memory state.
Public method CheckShadersAndLights(Dictionary<shaderTypeIShaderTechnique>, realisticShadowQualityType, BackgroundSettings)
Public method CheckTexture(TextureBase)
Public method CleanUpShaders(ref Dictionary<shaderTypeIShaderTechnique>)
Public method ClearColor(Color)
Public method ClearDepthStencil(bool, bool, byte)
Public method ClearDynamicBuffers() Clears the dynamic buffers allocated to draw the entities (Direct3D only).
Public method ClearShadowMaps()
Public method CloseEnvironment() Disables the current environment.
Public method CloseTexture(textureUnitType, bool) Disables the texture.
Public method CloseTexture(TextureBase, bool) Disables the texture.
Public method CloseTexture(bool) Disables the current texture.
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method CloseTextureInternal(textureUnitType, bool)
Protected method ColorChanged(Color, Color)
Public method Compile(EntityGraphicsData, DrawEntityCallBack, object)
Public method CompileBackground(BackgroundSettings, int) Compiles the background, used by the designer.
Public method CompileEnvironment(Image)
Public method CompileEnvironment(ImageSource)
Protected method CompileInternal(EntityGraphicsData, DrawEntityCallBack, object)
Public method CompileVBO(EntityGraphicsData, DrawEntityCallBack, object, bool) Compiles the Entity using Vertex Buffer Objects if possible.
Public method ComputePickMatrix(RectangleF, Size, int[]) Computes the matrix to restrict the rendering to the given rectangle.
Public method ComputeShaderShadowPasses(out int, out int[]) Computes the number of passes needed by the shaders (one per light with shadow).
Public method Create()
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method CreateEnvironment(Image)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method CreateEnvironment(ImageSource)
Public method CreateReflectionShaders(realisticShadowQualityType, orientationType, BackgroundSettings, LightSettings[])
Public method CreateShaders(realisticShadowQualityType, LightSettings[])
Public method CreateShadowMap(int, bool, GfxShadowParams, ClippingPlaneBase[], LightSettings[], DrawForShadowMapDelegate, object)
Public method CreateTexture1D(Color[], textureFilteringFunctionType, textureFilteringFunctionType, bool, bool) Creates a 1D texture from the given color table.
Public method CreateTexture2D(ImageSource, textureFilteringFunctionType, bool, bool)
Public method CreateTexture2D() Creates a texture 2D with or without multisampling dependiing on the rendering context.
Public method CreateTexture2D(Image, textureFilteringFunctionType, textureFilteringFunctionType, bool, bool, bool, bool) Creates a 2D texture from an image.
Public method CreateTexture2D(Size, bool, textureFilteringFunctionType, textureFilteringFunctionType) Creates a 2D Texture for rendering.
Public method CreateTexture2DNoMultisample(Size, bool) Creates a 2D texture without multisampling.
Public method CurrentModelViewMatrix() Gets the current modelview matrix.
Public method CurrentProjectionMatrix() Gets the current projection matrix.
Public method DeviceContext()
Public method DisableClipPlanes()
Public method DisableShader()
Public method DisableShadowMap() Disables the Shadowmap.
Public method Dispose() Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
Public method Draw(EntityGraphicsData, primitiveType) Draws an entity.
Public method DrawBorder(Dictionary<shaderTypeIShaderTechnique>, Color, Size, int, bool, Bitmap, Bitmap, Bitmap, Bitmap, Bitmap)
Public method DrawBufferedLine(Point3D, Point3D) Draws a line using a buffered approach.
Public method DrawBufferedPoint(Point3D) Draws a point using a buffered approach.
Public method DrawColorPlainTriangles(IList<IndexTriangle>, IList<Point3D>, IList<Vector3D>)
Public method DrawColorSmoothTriangles(IList<IndexTriangle>, IList<Point3D>, IList<Vector3D>)
Public method DrawCurrentBuffer() Ends the drawing of buffered entities, sending data to the graphics card.
Public method DrawCurvatureMapInvTriangles(IList<IndexTriangle>, IList<Point3D>, Color[])
Public method DrawCurvatureMapTriangles(IList<IndexTriangle>, IList<Point3D>, Color[])
Public method DrawIndeterminateAsLineList(EntityGraphicsData) Draws an EntityGraphicsData as a Line list.
Public method DrawIndeterminateAsLineStrip(EntityGraphicsData) Draws an EntityGraphicsData as a Lines strip.
Public method DrawIndeterminateAsPoints(EntityGraphicsData) Draws an EntityGraphicsData as a Points list.
Public method DrawIndexLines(IList<IndexLine>, Point3D[])
Public method DrawIndexLinesWithDisplacement(IList<IndexLine>, Point3D[], double, bool) Draws indexed lines with PointWithDisplacement vertices.
Public method DrawIndexedTriangles(VBOParams)
Public method DrawLine(Point2D, Point2D)
Public method DrawLine(Point3D, Point3D)
Public method DrawLine(Point3D, Point3D, Point2D) Draws a line with textured vertices.
Public method DrawLine(PointRGB, PointRGB)
Public method DrawLine(float, float, float, float, float, float)
Public method DrawLine(float[])
Public method DrawLineLoop(Point3D[], int, int) Draws a line loop.
Public method DrawLineLoop(Point3D[]) Draws a line loop.
Public method DrawLineStrip(Point2D[], int, int) Draws a line strip of Point2D .
Public method DrawLineStrip(Point3D[], float[], int, int) Draws a line strip of Point3D with textured vertices.
Public method DrawLineStrip(Point3D[], int, int) Draws a line strip of Point3D .
Public method DrawLineStrip(PointRGB[], int, int) Draws a line strip of PointRGB .
Public method DrawLineStrip(float[], int, int) Draws a line strip of vertices.
Public method DrawLineStrip(Point2D[])
Public method DrawLineStrip(Point3D[])
Public method DrawLineStrip(Point3D[], float[]) Draws a line strip of Point3D with textured vertices.
Public method DrawLineStrip(PointRGB[])
Public method DrawLineStrip(float[])
Public method DrawLineStripRGBA(float[], int, int) Draws a line strip of colored vertices.
Public method DrawLines(Point3D[], Color[], float[], int, int) Draws lines with colored vertices specifying a different lineWidth per line.
Public method DrawLines(Point3D[], Color[], int, int) Draws lines with colored vertices.
Public method DrawLines(Point3D[], float[], int, int) Draws lines with textured vertices.
Public method DrawLines(Point3D[], int, int) Draws a set of lines.
Public method DrawLines(float[], int, int) Draws a set of lines.
Public method DrawLines(Point3D[]) Draws a set of lines.
Public method DrawLines(Point3D[], Color[]) Draws lines with colored vertices.
Public method DrawLines(Point3D[], Color[], float[]) Draws lines with colored vertices specifying a different lineWidth per line.
Public method DrawLines(Point3D[], float[]) Draws lines with textured vertices.
Public method DrawLines(float[]) Draws a set of lines.
Public method DrawLines2D(float[])
Public method DrawLinesAndPoints(Point3D[], Point3D[])
Public method DrawLinesAndPointsOnTheFly(Point3D[], Point3D[]) Draws the specified lines and points on the fly.
Public method DrawLinesOnTheFly(Point3D[]) Draws the specified lines on the fly.
Public method DrawLinesWithDisplacement(Point3D[], double, bool) Draws lines with PointWithDisplacement vertices.
Public method DrawMulticolorPlainTriangles(IList<IndexTriangle>, IList<Point3D>, IList<Vector3D>, byte)
Public method DrawMulticolorSmoothTriangles(IList<IndexTriangle>, IList<Point3D>, IList<Vector3D>, byte)
Public method DrawNormals(Point3D[], IndexTriangle[], Vector3D[], double)
Public method DrawNormals(Point3D[], Vector3D)
Public method DrawNormalsPerVertex(Point3D[], IndexTriangle[], Vector3D[], double)
Public method DrawOnTextureOrBitmap(TextureBase, TextureBase, BitmapData, int, bool, bool, int, int, int, drawSceneFuncDelegate, object, bool, int, bool) Draws the scene on the specified texture or bitmapData.
Public method DrawPixels(TextureBase, Bitmap, Point2D, Size, bool)
Public method DrawPlainTriangles(IList<IndexTriangle>, IList<Point3D>)
Public method DrawPlainTriangles(IList<IndexTriangle>, IList<Point3D>, IList<Vector3D>)
Public method DrawPlainTrianglesNoColors(IList<IndexTriangle>, IList<Point3D>, IList<Vector3D>)
Public method DrawPoints(Point3D[], int, int) Draws a set of points.
Public method DrawPoints(float[], int, int) Draws a set of points.
Public method DrawPoints(Point3D[]) Draws a set of points.
Public method DrawPoints(float[]) Draws a set of points.
Public method DrawPointsIndeterminate(Point3D[], int, int) Draws a set of points without specifying the kind of geometry.
Public method DrawPointsIndeterminate(float[], int, int) Draws a set of points without specifying the kind of geometry.
Public method DrawPointsIndeterminate(Point3D[]) Draws a set of points without specifying the kind of display list.
Public method DrawPointsIndeterminate(float[]) Draws a set of points without specifying the kind of display list.
Public method DrawPointsOnTheFly(Point3D[]) Draws the specified points on the fly.
Public method DrawPointsRGB(Point3D[], int, int) Draws a set of PointRGB.
Public method DrawPointsRGB(Point3D[]) Draws a set of PointRGB.
Public method DrawPointsRGBIndeterminate(Point3D[], int, int) Draws a set of PointRGB without specifying the kind of geometry.
Public method DrawPointsRGBIndeterminate(Point3D[]) Draws a set of PointRGB without specifying the kind of geometry.
Public method DrawPointsWithColorIntensitiesIndeterminate(float[], byte[], int, int) Draws a set of points with the specified color intensities, without specifying the kind of geometry.
Public method DrawPointsWithColorIntensitiesIndeterminate(float[], byte[]) Draws a set of points with the specified color intensity, without specifying the kind of geometry.
Public method DrawPointsWithColorsRGBAIndeterminate(float[], byte[], int, int) Draws a set of points with the specified color intensities, without specifying the kind of geometry.
Public method DrawPointsWithColorsRGBAIndeterminate(float[], byte[]) Draws a set of points with the specified colors, without specifying the kind of geometry.
Public method DrawPointsWithColorsRGBIndeterminate(float[], byte[], int, int) Draws a set of points with the specified colors, without specifying the kind of geometry.
Public method DrawPointsWithColorsRGBIndeterminate(float[], byte[]) Draws a set of points with the specified colors, without specifying the kind of geometry.
Public method DrawPointsWithNormals(Point3D[], Vector3D[], int, int) Draws a set of Point3D specifying a normal per vertex.
Public method DrawPointsWithNormalsIndeterminate(Point3D[], Vector3D[], int, int) Draws a set of Point3D specifying a normal per vertex without specifying the kind of geometry.
Public method DrawPointsWithNormalsIndeterminate(float[], float[], int, int) Draws a set of points without specifying the kind of geometry.
Public method DrawPointsWithNormalsIndeterminate(float[], float[]) Draws a set of points without specifying the kind of display list.
Public method DrawQuad(RectangleF)
Public method DrawQuad(RectangleF, float)
Public method DrawQuad(TextureBase, byte, RectangleF, float, bool)
Public method DrawQuadStrip(Point3D[], Vector3D[], int, int)
Public method DrawQuadStrip(Point3D[], Vector3D[])
Protected method DrawQuadWithColorRange(RectangleF, Color, Color)
Public method DrawQuadWithColorRange(RectangleF, Brush, Brush, bool, float)
Public method DrawQuadWithColorRange(RectangleF, Color, Color, bool, float)
Public method DrawQuadWithTextures(TextureBase, float[], byte, RectangleF, float, bool) Draws a Quad with a texture.
Public method DrawQuads(Point3D[], Vector3D[], int, int)
Public method DrawQuads(Point3D[], Vector3D[])
Public method DrawQuads2D(float[])
Public method DrawQuadsOutlines(Point3D[])
Public method DrawRichPlainQuads(Point3D[], Vector3D[], PointF[])
Public method DrawRichPlainTriangles(IList<IndexTriangle>, IList<Point3D>, IList<Vector3D>, IList<PointF>)
Public method DrawRichSmoothInvTriangles(IList<IndexTriangle>, IList<Point3D>, float, float, float, float)
Public method DrawRichSmoothTriangles(IList<IndexTriangle>, IList<Point3D>, IList<Vector3D>, IList<PointF>)
Public method DrawRichSmoothTriangles(IList<IndexTriangle>, IList<Point3D>, float, float, float, float)
Public method DrawSelected(EntityGraphicsData, primitiveType) Draws a selected entity.
Public method DrawSilhouettes(GfxSilhoData)
Public method DrawSmoothTriangles(IList<IndexTriangle>, IList<Point3D>, IList<Vector3D>)
Public method DrawSurfaceInvTriangles(IList<IndexTriangle>, IList<Point3D>)
Public method DrawSurfaceNormals(Point3D[], double)
Public method DrawSurfaceTriangles(IList<IndexTriangle>, IList<Point3D>)
Public method DrawTextureOnScreen(Rectangle, TextureBase, TextureBase) Draws a texture on screen.
Public method DrawTriangles(Point3D[]) Draws triangles without normals.
Public method DrawTriangles(Point3D[], Vector3D) Draws triangles with one normal.
Public method DrawTriangles(Point3D[], Vector3D[], Color[], bool) Draws triangles with one normal and color per vertex per vertex and 1D texture coordinates.
Public method DrawTriangles(Point3D[], Vector3D[], IndexTriangle[], PointF[])
Public method DrawTriangles(Point3D[], Vector3D[], PointF[], bool) Draws triangles with one normal per vertex and (optional) texture coordinates.
Public method DrawTriangles(Point3D[], Vector3D[], float[], bool) Draws triangles with one normal per vertex and 1D texture coordinates.
Public method DrawTriangles2D(Point2D[])
Public method DrawTriangles2D(float[])
Public method DrawTrianglesFan(Point3D[], Vector3D)
Public method DrawTrianglesFan2D(float[])
Public method DrawTrianglesPartial(Point3D[], Vector3D[], Color[]) Draws triangles with one normal and color per vertex, as part of a drawing loop (no Begin-End is done).
Public method DrawTrianglesPartial(Point3D[], Vector3D[], PointF[]) Draws triangles with one normal per vertex, as part of a drawing loop (no Begin-End is done).
Public method DrawTrianglesPartial(Point3D[], Vector3D[], float[]) Draws triangles with one normal per vertex and 1D texture coordinates, as part of a drawing loop (no Begin-End is done).
Public method DrawTrianglesPartialWithMaterialColor(Point3D[], Vector3D[], bool) Draws triangles with one normal per vertex, as part of a drawing loop (no Begin-End is done), using the current material color.
Public method DrawTrianglesPartialWithTexture(Point3D[], Vector3D[], PointF[], bool) Draws triangles with one normal and one texture coordinate per vertex, as part of a drawing loop (no Begin-End is done), using the current texture.
Public method DrawTrianglesPlanar(Point3D[], IndexTriangle[], Vector3D) Draws triangles with a single normal.
Public method DrawTrianglesPlanar(Point3D[], int[], Vector3D) Draws triangles with a single normal.
Public method DrawTrianglesWithDisplacement(PointWithDisplacement[], Vector3D[], Color, double, bool) Draws triangles with PointWithDisplacement vertices.
Public method DrawTrianglesWithDisplacement(PointWithDisplacement[], Vector3D[], Color[], double, bool) Draws triangles PointWithDisplacement vertices.
Public method DrawTrianglesWithDisplacement(PointWithDisplacement[], Vector3D[], double, bool) Draws triangles PointWithDisplacement vertices.
Public method DrawTrianglesWithDisplacement(PointWithDisplacement[], Vector3D[], float[], double, bool) Draws triangles PointWithDisplacement vertices.
Public method EnableAlphaClip(bool) Discards fragments with alpha < 0.1
Public method EnableLineStipple(bool) Enables or disables the line stipple.
Public method EnableMultisample(bool) Enables or disables the multisample (antialiasing)
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method EnableShader(shaderType, Dictionary<shaderTypeIShaderTechnique>)
Public method EnableShadowMap(int)
Public method EnableShadowMapForSplitNoShaders(int)
Public method EnableStencilCompare()
Public method EnableThickLines() Enables thick lines rendering.
Public method EnableThickLinesInPolygonLineMode() Enables thick lines rendering when the CurrentRasterizerState state is polygon line.
Public method EnableThickPoints() Enables thick points rendering.
Public method EnableThickPointsInPolygonLineMode() Enables thick points rendering when the CurrentRasterizerState state is polygon line.
Public method EnableXOR(bool) Enables or disables the XOR (inverted color) drawing mode.
Public method EnableXORForTexture(bool, ShaderParameters) Enables or disables the XOR (inverted color) drawing mode for the texture.
Public method EndCaptureZBufferOnce() Stops the optimization activated by BeginCaptureZBufferOnce
Public method EndDraw(bool)
Public method EndDrawBufferedLines() Draws the lines and points accumulated in the buffer (Direct3D only).
Public method EndDrawForDepth()
Public method EndDrawForSelection()
Public method EndDrawMulticolorWithAmbientAndDiffuse(ShaderParameters)
Public method EndReadDepthValues() Ends a depth read operation.
Public method Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (inherited from Object).
Protected method Finalize Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (inherited from Object).
Public method Static FreeEntityGraphicsData(EntityGraphicsData) Obsolete.

Frees the allocated graphics card data and resets it to 0.

This method is obsolete. Call EntityGraphicsData.Dispose instead.

Public method GLBeginDrawTriangles() Begins an OpenGL triangle drawing sequence.
Public method GLEnd() Ends an OpenGL drawing sequence.
Protected method GetBitmapFromData(Rectangle, byte[], int, int)
Public method GetBitmapFromTexture(TextureBase)
Public method GetEntityIndicesFromBmp(Rectangle, bool, byte[], int, int) Gets the entity indices from a false-colors rgb image.
Public method GetErrorString(int) Gets the graphics system error string.
Public method GetHashCode Serves as the default hash function. (inherited from Object).
Protected method Static GetIndicesFromTriangles(IndexTriangle[])
Protected method GetMatrices(double[], matrixType, out double[], out double[], out double[])
Public method GetNumberOfShadowMapSplits(realisticShadowQualityType, LightSettings[]) Gets the number of splits used in the shadowmap computation.
Public method GetPixel(int, int) Gets the color of the specified pixel in this viewport
Public method GetRGBForSelection(int, out byte, out byte, out byte)
Public method GetShaderAndEnable(ShaderParameters)
Public method GetShadowMapSplitDepth(int)
Public method GetShadowMapSplitPosition(int)
Public method GetType Gets the Type of the current instance. (inherited from Object).
Public method HasDeviceContext() Tells if the device context has already been created.
Public method HasFBO()
Public method HasMultiTexture() Tells if the render context supports multitexture.
Public method HasShadow() Tells if the render context supports shadow.
Public method HasStencil() Tells if the render context supports stencil.
Public method InitBlurShader()
Public method InitShadowMapData(CameraBase, Transformation, int[])
Public method InitStandardShaders(realisticShadowQualityType, ref Dictionary<shaderTypeIShaderTechnique>, LightSettings[])
Public method InitTexturesForCapture()
Protected method InitTexturesForCaptureInternal(int)
Public method InitializeCurrentWireColor()
Public method InitializePreviousColors()
Public method InitializePreviousColorsHiddenLines(bool)
Public method InitializeStates() Initializes the current states.
Protected method IsCw(rasterizerStateType) Tells if the front face of the given state has clockwise front faces.
Public method IsGraphicsError() Checks if there has been an error in the graphics library.
Public method IsMultisample() Tells if the graphics context is using MultiSample rasterization (either set by Viewport or by the Graphics Card settings).
Public method IsValid()
Public method LightingEnabled()
Public method LockBlendState(bool) Locks the blend state so that the following calls to SetShader won't do anything until the blend states are unlocked.
Public method LockDepthState(bool) Locks the depth stencil state so that the following calls to SetState won't do anything until the state is unlocked.
Public method LockShaders(bool) Locks the shaders so that the following calls to SetShader won't do anything until the shaders are unlocked.
Public method MakeCurrent()
Public method MaxTextureSize()
Protected method MemberwiseClone Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (inherited from Object).
Protected method MultMatrix(double[], matrixType)
Public method MultMatrixModelView(Transformation) Multiplies the transformation by the current modelview matrix.
Public method MultMatrixModelView(double[]) Multiplies the transformation by the current modelview matrix.
Public method MultMatrixProj(Transformation)
Public method MultMatrixProj(double[])
Public method NeedsToCaptureDepth()
Public method NormalizeNormals(bool) Turns the vertex normals normalization on or off (OpenGL only).
Public method PaintBackBuffer(int)
Public method PaintBackBuffer(Size, CameraBase, bool)
Public method PixelZoom(int, int) Specify the pixel zoom factors.
Public method PopBlendState() Pops the blendStateType from the stack and sets it as current.
Public method PopDepthStencilState() Pops the depthStencilStateType from the stack and sets it as current.
Public method PopEnvironment() Pops the environment map from the stack.
Public method PopMatrices() Pops the modelview and projection matrices.
Public method PopModelView() Pops the Modelview matrix.
Public method PopProjection() Pops the Projection matrix.
Public method PopRasterizerState() Pops the rasterizerStateType from the stack and sets it as current.
Public method PopShader() Pops the current shader from the stack.
Public method PrepareLightsForShadow(bool)
Public method PrepareShadersForShadowPass(int, int[], Dictionary<shaderTypeIShaderTechnique>, ShaderParameters)
Public method PrepareStencilForDrawing()
Public method PrintMatrices()
Public method ProcessClippingPlanes(ClippingPlaneBase[], bool) Updates the internal structure with the clipping planes.
Public method ProcessClippingPlanesVisibility(ClippingPlaneBase[], bool) Updates only the visibility of the clipping planes internal structure.
Public method ProcessLightAttributes(bool, bool) Updates light attributes for all light sources. Light attributes are: color and specular color.
Public method ProcessMaterial() Updates the current material with the default material.
Public method PushBlendState() Pushes the current blendStateType on the stack.
Protected method PushCurrentFBO()
Public method PushDepthStencilState() Pushes the current depthStencilStateType on the stack.
Public method PushEnvironment() Pushes the current environment map on the stack.
Public method PushMatrices() Pushes modelview and projection matrices.
Public method PushModelView() Pushes the Modelview matrix.
Public method PushProjection() Pushes the Projection matrix.
Public method PushRasterizerState() Pushes the current rasterizerStateType on the stack.
Public method PushShader() Push the current shader on the stack.
Public method ReadBuffer(int) Sets the framebuffer to read from (OpenGL only).
Public method ReadColorBuffer(IViewport, Rectangle, out int, out int) Reads the color buffer.
Public method ReadDepth()
Public method ReadDepthValues(int, int, Size) Reads depth values from the depth buffer.
Public method ReadDepthValues(int[], out int) Reads depth values from the depth buffer.
Protected method ReadDepthValuesInternal(int[])
Public method ReadRgbValues(Point, Size, BitmapData)
Public method ReadSurface(Size, bool, bool) Reads the whole control and stores it in internal data.
Protected method RemovePolygonOffset(ref int) Removes the polygon offset when drawing the wires entity with Width grater than 1 because the wires are not influenced by the polygon offset but in Direct3D they are drawn as polygons with the geometry shader, so the PolygonOffset applies to them also.
Public method RenderingContext()
Public method ResetColorDiffuse(float[], float[])
Public method ResetColorDiffuse() Aligns the colors set in the graphics system with the current material and wire color.
Public method Resize(Size)
Public method ResizeShadowMaps(Size, realisticShadowQualityType, ref bool)
Public method ResizeSurfacesForCapture(Size, bool)
Public method ResolveAlphaMapShader(shaderType) Gets the shader with the AlphaMap support.
Protected method ResolveShaderType(ref shaderType)
Protected method RestorePolygonOffset(ref int) Restores the polygon offset to draw the polygons.
Public method RotateMatrixModelView(double, double, double, double) Rotates the modelview matrix by <param name="angleInDegrees"> by an axis.</param>
Public method ScaleMatrixModelView(double, double, double)
Public method ScaleMatrixProj(double, double, double)
Public method SetActiveTexture(textureUnitType) Enables the given textureUnit (OpenGL only).
Public method SetAlphaTexture(TextureBase) Sets the texture on a specific texture unit.
Public method SetBlockRefTransform(float[]) Sets the blockreference world transformation matrix.
Public method SetColorDiffuse(Color, Color, bool) Sets the diffuse color of the front and back material.
Public method SetColorMask(colorMaskFlags) Enable or disable the color components in the render buffer.
Public method SetColorMaterial(Color, bool) Sets the color to the diffuse component of the front and back faces, depending on the ColorMaterialMode status.
Public method SetColorWireframe(Color, bool) Wireframe color changer.
Public method SetEnvironment(IEnvironment, float)
Public method SetEnvironment(IEnvironment, Material, ShaderParameters)
Public method SetLightAttributes(int, float[], float[], float[], LightSettings)
Public method SetLightPosition(int, lightType, float[], float[]) Sets the light position.
Public method SetLightStatus(int, bool)
Public method SetLighting(bool) Enables the lighting.
Protected method SetLightingInternal(bool)
Public method SetLineSize(float, bool, bool) Sets the line size and enables (or disables) the thick lines rendering.
Protected method SetLineSizeInternal(float)
Public method SetLineStipple(int, UInt16, CameraBase) Sets the line stipple parameters.
Protected method SetLinesShader(bool, shaderType, ShaderParameters) Sets the shader for the lines with or without thick lines capabilities, adjusting also the PolygonOffset.
Protected method SetMaterial(float[], float[], float[], float[], float)
Public method SetMaterial(Material, Color, bool) Sets the material properties.
Public method SetMaterial(Color, Color, Color, Color, float, bool) Sets the material components.
Protected method SetMaterialBackAmbient(float[])
Public method SetMaterialBackAmbient(Color, bool) Sets the material back color ambient property.
Public method SetMaterialBackAmbientAndDiffuse(Color, bool) Sets the material back color ambient and diffuse properties.
Protected method SetMaterialBackDiffuse(float[])
Public method SetMaterialBackDiffuse(Color, bool) Sets the material back color diffuse properties.
Protected method SetMaterialFrontAmbient(float[])
Public method SetMaterialFrontAmbient(Color, bool) Sets the material front color ambient property.
Public method SetMaterialFrontAmbientAndDiffuse(Color, bool) Sets the material front color ambient and diffuse properties.
Public method SetMaterialFrontAndBackDiffuse(Color, bool) Sets the front and back faces diffuse material color.
Protected method SetMaterialFrontDiffuse(float[])
Public method SetMaterialFrontDiffuse(Color, bool) Sets the front faces diffuse material color.
Protected method SetMatrices(double[], double[], double[])
Protected method SetMatrices()
Public method SetMatrices(double[], double[]) Sets the projection and modelview matrices.
Public method SetModelView(CameraBase)
Public method SetModelViewMatrix(double[]) Sets the modelview matrix.
Public method SetPointSize(float, bool, bool) Sets the point size and enables (or disables) the thick points rendering.
Protected method SetPointSizeInternal(float)
Protected method SetPointsShader(bool, shaderType, ShaderParameters) Sets the shader for the points with or without thick points capabilities, adjusting also the PolygonOffset.
Protected method SetPolygonDrawingMode(rasterizerPolygonDrawingType) Sets the polygon drawing mode.
Public method SetProjection(CameraBase, bool)
Public method SetProjectionMatrix(double[]) Sets the projection matrix.
Protected method SetRGB(byte, byte, byte)
Protected method SetRGBA(byte, byte, byte, byte)
Protected method SetRGBA(float[])
Public method SetRasterizerState(rasterizerPolygonDrawingType, rasterizerCullFaceType) Sets the rasterizer state.
Public method SetSceneAmbient(float[]) Sets the ambient component that is always added to the scene (multiplied by the material's ambient component).
Public method SetShader(shaderType, ShaderParameters, bool) Sets the shader as current.
Public method SetShaders(Dictionary<shaderTypeIShaderTechnique>, bool, ShaderParameters) Sets the shaders dictionary.
Public method SetState(blendStateType) Sets the blend state type.
Public method SetState(depthStencilStateType) Sets the depth stencil state type.
Public method SetState(rasterizerStateType) Sets the rasterizer state type preserving the current clockwiseness of the front face.
Protected method SetStateInternal(blendStateType, bool, bool, bool, bool)
Protected method SetStateInternal(depthStencilStateType)
Protected method SetStateInternal(rasterizerStateType)
Public method SetTexture(TextureBase) Sets the texture on 0 texture unit.
Public method SetTexture(TextureBase, textureUnitType) Sets the texture on a specific texture unit.
Public method SetTexture1DWrapMode(bool)
Public method SetTextureOverExposure(bool) Sets a value that controls whether the scene lighting can make the image diffuse color brighter than the image color.
Protected method SetVendorName()
Protected method SetVendorNameInternal(string)
Public method SetViewport(int[], float, float)
Public method SetViewport(int[])
Public method SetupPolygonOffset(bool) Enables or disables the PolygonOffset feature (with Factor 1 , Units 1).
Public method SwapBuffers()
Internal protected (Protected Friend) method ThrowEntityNotCompiledError(EntityGraphicsData)
Public method ToString Returns a string that represents the current object. (inherited from Object).
Public method TranslateMatrixModelView(double, double, double) Translates the modelview matrix.
Public method UpdateActiveLights(LightSettings[]) Updates the active lights used for the rendering.
Public method UpdateAntialiasing() Updates the graphics data for the Antialiasing settings.
Public method UpdateConstantBufferPerFrame(ShaderParameters) Updates the constant buffer per frame with the given data.
Public method UpdateConstantBufferPerObject() Updates the constant buffer per frame with the current data.
Protected method Static UpdateMatrix(Stack<Double>, double[])
Public method Static UpdateShaders(Dictionary<shaderTypeIShaderTechnique>, ShaderParameters)
Public method UpdateShaders(ShaderParameters) Updates the shaders.
Protected method UpdateUseFBO()
Public method UpdateVBO(EntityGraphicsData, DrawEntityCallBack, object) Updates the vertex buffer object (that must have been created dynamic).
Protected method evaluateShadersHqr()
Name Description
Public enumeration matrixType Matrix type.
For internal use only.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.8

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